40 Cool Unisex Biblical Names – NamesBuddy
Are you browsing for unisex biblical names to present your little one with a beautiful name? If yes, you are in the best place to find a name of your choice.
Every parent struggles to find a perfect name for their little bundle of joy, but it’s the most enjoyable and cherishable moment in everyone’s life.
Parents spend many days and months; even nights, to get a special and unique name; after all; it’s for their children.
Biblical names or names from the Bible have a significant following among many parents, especially parents who are more inclined toward religious worship.
Unisex Biblical Names
There are many beautiful and unique names in the Bible that can be used for children, and don’t worry; there are even unisex names.
Now let’s jump into the names.
Abiah: This is a gender-neutral Biblical name meaning “my father is Yahweh” and is a variant of another Biblical name Abijah.
Abijah: This beautiful unisex name means “God is my father” and is of Hebrew origin.
Agrippa: It means “born feet first” in Greek and is a Biblical gender-neutral name.
Alvah: This gender-neutral Biblical name is derived from the Hebrew origin that means “his highness.”
Anah: This cute unisex name means “answer” and is a Biblical name of Hebrew origin.
Angel: In the Greek origin, this name means “messenger” and is a gender-neutral Biblical name.
Asa: It is a Hebrew-origin gender-neutral name that means “healer.”
Asher: It is a Hebrew-origin name that means “happy” and is a unisex name.
Athaliah: This is a cool gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is exalted.”
Beck: This beautiful Biblical name means “stream” and is of Hebrew origin.
Curtis: This is a unisex name of Latin origin, meaning “polite” and “courteous.”
Diklah: This cool name means “palm grove” or “his diminishing” and is a gender-neutral name of Aramaic origin.
Dwayne: It is an English-origin Biblical name that means “dark” or “black.”
Elliott: This unisex name is derived from the Hebrew origin that means “the lord is my God.”
Felix: It is a Latin-origin name that means “happy” and is a unisex Biblical name.
Gail: The meaning of this aesthetic name is “father’s joy,” and it is a gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin.
Gomer: This Biblical name means “complete” and is a unisex name of Hebrew origin.
Hagar: This gender-neutral name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “flight.”
Harper: This gender-neutral name is derived from the English origin that means “harp player.”
Jada: The meaning of this unisex name is “precious stone” and is of different origins, such as Arabic, English, etc.
Jael: The meaning of this Biblical gender-neutral name is “wild mountain goat” and is of Hebrew origin.
Jedidah: This is a gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin, meaning “beloved.”
Jesse: This is a unisex name of Hebrew origin, meaning “gift.”
Jezreel: It is a Hebrew-origin and gender-neutral Biblical name that means “God sows.”
Jordan: This beautiful unisex name means “to flow down” and is of Greek origin.
Judah: This name means “praise” and is a gender-neutral Biblical name of Hebrew origin.
Maacah: The meaning of this gender-neutral baby name is “to press” or”to crush” and is of Hebrew origin.
Mahlah: This name originated in Hebrew, meaning “weak” or “sick,” and this name can be used for both boys and girls.
Micah: This gender-neutral name originated in Hebrew, and it means “who is like God.”
Michaiah: The meaning of this beautiful name is “who is like God,” and it is a unisex name of Hebrew origin.
Michele: This gender-neutral name originated in Hebrew, and it means “who resembles God?”
Noah: This unisex name originated in Hebrew, meaning “rest” and “peace.”
Oakley: The meaning of this Biblical name is “meadow of oak trees” and is of English origin.
Sheba: This name means “daughter of the oath” and is a gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin.
Shiloh: The meaning of this beautiful name is “tranquil,” and it is a gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin.
Tide: This name means “knowledge of elevation” and is a gender-neutral Biblical name.
Timna: This gender-neutral Biblical name is of Hebrew origin, and it means “restraint.”
Tola: This gender-neutral name is derived from the Hebrew origin that means “crimson.”
Tracy: It means “war-like” in Irish and is a gender-neutral name.
Zahari: This is a gender-neutral baby’s name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God has remembered.”
ALSO READ: Biblical Boy Names
CHECK OUT: Unisex Fantasy Names

This is all for now; I hope you liked the post, and thanks for reading.