79 Cool Spanish Biblical Names – NamesBuddy
Have you been searching for Spanish versions of biblical names to name your new bundle of joy?
If so, scroll through this new post on Spanish biblical names to pick a perfect name for your new baby.
Biblical names have been serving the top positions for years in the baby names section and are one of the favorite options for US parents.
For religious people, these names have become the first preference, and some of the famous biblical names include Jacob, Esther, Noah, Luke, Benjamin, James, Elijah, Hannah, and many more.
Biblical names have different versions based on the languages people speak, such as Greek, Spanish, and Hebrew.
Now, let’s have a look at Spanish biblical names.
Spanish Biblical Girl Names
Here, remember that though these names are in Spanish, their origins might be different, and both Spanish and original versions are quite similar.
Abigail: It is a female name of Hebrew origin, meaning “father’s joy” or “source of joy.”
Adela: It is a female given name of Germanic origin meaning “noble.”
Agar: This name is of Hebrew origin and means “stranger” or “flight.”
Ana: It is a female given name of Hebrew origin meaning “grace” or “favor.”
Anaís: It is a female name of Hebrew origin and means “graceful.”
Belén: This name is of Spanish origin and means “Bethlehem,” referring to the town where Jesus was born.
Celia: This female name is of Latin origin and means “heavenly.”
Claudia: It is a female name of Latin origin and means “lame” or “disabled.”
Dina: It is a female name of Hebrew origin and means “judged,” as the daughter of Jacob and Leah.
Dorcas: This name is of Greek origin and means “gazelle,” being a Greek translation of Tabita.
Débora: It is a female name of Hebrew origin and means “bee” or “busy one.”
Edén: It is a female name of Hebrew origin and means “delight,” referring to the garden where Adam and Eve lived.
Elisa: This name is of Hebrew origin and means “God is my oath,” often considered a short form of Elisabet.
Elisabet: It is a female name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my oath” or “consecrated to God.”
Ester: The meaning of this name is “star” or “myrtle leaf,” and it has Persian origins.
Eva: It is a female name of Hebrew origin and means “life,” as the first woman created by God.
Gracia: It is a female name of Latin origin and means “grace,” signifying a gift from God.
Génesis: This name is of Spanish origin and means “origin,” referring to the first book of the Bible.
Inés: This name is of Greek origin and means “pure” or “holy.”
Isabel: It is a female given name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my oath” or “consecrated to God.”
Jael: It is a female name of Hebrew origin and means “mountain goat” or “wild goat.”
Jemima: This name is of Hebrew origin and means “dove.”
Joana: It is a female name of Hebrew origin and means “God is gracious.”
Judith: This female name is of Hebrew origin and means “woman from Judea” or “praised.”
Julia: This name is of Latin origin and means “youthful.”
Keila: It is a female name of Hebrew origin and means “citadel,” referring to a town in Judah.
Loida: This name is of Greek origin and means “desirable.”
Lía: This name is of Hebrew origin and means “weary” or “tired.”
Magdalena: This female name is of Aramaic origin and means “of Magdala.”
Mara: It is a female name of Hebrew origin and means “bitter.”
Marta: It is a female name of Aramaic origin and means “lady” or “mistress.”
María: This name is of Hebrew origin and means “beloved” or “bitterness.”
Micaela: This name is of Hebrew origin and means “who is like God?”
Miriam: This female name is of Hebrew origin and means “wished for child” or “rebellion.”
Noa: It is a female name of Hebrew origin and means “movement” or “motion.”
Noemí: It is a female name of Hebrew origin, meaning “pleasantness.”
Raquel: This name is of Hebrew origin and means “ewe” or “female sheep.”
Ruth: This female name is of Hebrew origin and means “compassionate friend” or “companion.”
Salomé: It is a female name of Hebrew origin, meaning “peace.”
Sara: This female name is of Hebrew origin and means “princess” or “noblewoman.”
Tabita: This name is of Aramaic origin and means “gazelle” or “deer.”
Teresa: This name is of Greek origin and means “harvest” or “reaper of harvest.”
ALSO READ: Four-letter Biblical Names
Spanish Biblical Boy Names
Abel: Of Hebrew origin, Abel means “breath” or “vapor.”
Abraham: Abraham is of Hebrew origin and means “father of many” or “father of a multitude.”
Amós: Of Hebrew origin, Amós means “burden” or “borne by God.”
Andrés: This name is the Spanish equivalent of Andrew, which means “manly” or “brave.”
Asa: Asa is of Hebrew origin and means “physician” or “healer.”
Benjamín: This name is of Hebrew origin and means “son of the right hand” or “son of the south.”
Caín: Caín is the Spanish form of Cain, which means “spear.”
Daniel: Daniel is a Hebrew name meaning “God is my judge.”
David: Of Hebrew origin, David means “beloved” or “uncle.”
Elcana: This name is of Hebrew origin and means “God has possessed.”
Eliseo: This name is of Hebrew origin and means “my God is salvation.”
Elías: Elías is the Spanish form of Elijah, and it means “my God is Yahweh” or “Yahweh is God.”
Ezequiel: Of Hebrew origin, Ezequiel means “God will strengthen.”
Ezequías: Ezequías is the Spanish form of Hezekiah, which means “Yahweh strengthens.”
Felipe: This name has Greek origins and means “lover of horses.”
Isaac: Of Hebrew origin, Isaac means “he will laugh.”
Ismael: Of Hebrew origin, Ismael means “God hears” or “God will hear.”
Jacob: Jacob is a Hebrew name that means “supplanter” or “he who follows.”
Jeremías: Jeremías is the Spanish form of Jeremiah, which means “appointed by God.”
Jonatán: Jonatán is the Spanish form of Jonathan, which means “gift of God.”
Josué: Josué is the Spanish form of Joshua, which means “Yahweh is salvation.”
José: This name is of Hebrew origin and means “may God add.”
Josías: Josías is the Spanish form of Josiah, and it means “Yahweh supports.”
Juan: A Spanish form of the name John, it means “God is gracious.”
Judas: Of Hebrew origin, Judas means “praised” or “thanks.”
Lucas: Derived from the Greek name Loukas, it means “from Lucania” or “light-giving.”
Mateo: Of Hebrew origin, Mateo means “gift of God,” similar to Matthew in English.
Moisés: This name is the Spanish form of Moses, which means “drawn out of the water.”
Nahum: Of Hebrew origin, Nahum means “comfort” or “consolation.”
Obed: Obed is a Hebrew name that means “servant.”
Pedro: A Spanish form of Peter, it means “rock” or “stone.”
Salomón: This name is the Spanish form of Solomon, and it means “peaceful.”
Samuel: Of Hebrew origin, Samuel means “heard by God.”
Santiago: Santiago is the Spanish name for James, and it means “supplanter.”
Simón: Of Hebrew origin, Simón means “he has heard.”
Tobías: Tobías is the Spanish form of Tobias, and it means “God is good.”
Zacarías: Zacarías is the Spanish form of Zechariah, which means “Yahweh remembers.”

That’s all for Spanish biblical names; I hope you loved this post, and thanks for reading.