100 Cool Short Last Names With Meanings – NamesBuddy
Are you tired of searching for short last names to choose a perfect last name? If so, you are in luck because I have got you covered with a list of last names that are short and simple.

Short last names are easy to remember and pronounce yet they are beautiful. These last names can be useful for the characters of your newly created story or even you can use these last names as first names. Nowadays, many are using last names for usernames, gaming names, and nicknames.
Whatever is your reason, this list of last names will help you in getting your desired last name. So, let’s get started.
Short Last Names
The last name is one of the most important parts of our lives because it defines our identity, tells about our ancestors, and even brings respect. This is why one should be vigilant while choosing the last name whether it’s for a character or a first name.
There are many awesome short last names like Bell from Irish to Bryn from Norman. Find many beautiful last names in the below list.
Bain: A Scottish surname meaning “fair” or “blond.”
Baker: Baker is an occupational name for someone who bakes.
Bean: Bean is a nickname for someone with a round face or a family name from Ireland that means ‘fair-skinned.’
Beck: A German last name meaning stream.
Berg: A German surname derived from Middle High German berg, meaning “mountain.”
Boyd: It’s a Scottish surname meaning yellow.
Bravo: This comes from the Italian word for brave or bold.
Bright: Means “bright person, shining one, clear-eyed person.”
Brown: Means “brown-haired person” or “brown-skinned person.”
Byrd: Meaning “bird” in Old English, Byrd is often used as both a surname and a given name.
Case: It’s an occupational name for people who make boxes.
Clark: This is an English last name meaning “clerk” or “clergyman.” It’s also one of the most common names in the United States today.
Clay: Clay as a surname has several possible origins. One is a topographic name for someone who resided near clay deposits, from Old English.
Cobb: Cobb is a variation of the surname Cobbe, which itself comes from an old Norman name Cobi. This name was originally used as a nickname for someone with a large head or big ears.
Cole: Cole is a common last name that originated from England and Scotland. The name Cole comes from an Old English word meaning “coal”.
Cook: The name Cook comes from the Old English word for cook.
Cruz: This Spanish last name means “cross.”
Davis: This is an English last name meaning “son of David.”
Dean: It is of Anglo-Saxon English origin and is derived from the Middle English word dene which means valley.
Dyer: Dyer is an English last name derived from the occupation of dying cloth with dye.
Finch: Finch is a common English and Scottish surname, derived from the bird finch.
Finn: Finn is the name of a group of people in Ireland. It is also an Irish clan name, which means the son of Fionn.
Flynn: From the Irish name Ó Floinn, which means “descendant of Flann.”
Ford: The word Ford can be traced back to the Old English word Ford, which means “a shallow place in a river where people cross.”
Frank: Derived from the Germanic word “franc,” which means “free.”
Fritz: The last name Fritz means peace and tranquility.
Funk: Funk is a variation of the German word Funke, meaning spark or ember.
Gale: From Old English, it means light, merry.
Gates: An occupational name for a gatekeeper and also for someone who resided near the gates of a medieval walled town was given this topographic name.
Gibbs: The last name Gibbs means son of Gilbert.
Glenn: In Gaelic, it means valley.
Grant: From the Norman French “granter”, meaning “to give” or “to grant”.
Gray: From the Middle English “grai”, meaning “grey”.
Hart: From the Old English “heorot”, meaning “hart”, a male deer.
Hawk: It’s an occupational name for hawker and also a nickname for someone who resembles a hawk.
Henry: Henry is a German surname that means “home-ruler.”
Hill: Hill is a common last name that means “person who lived on a hill.”
Holt: This last name is thought to be derived from the Old English word “holt,” which means wood or forest.
Hood: It’s an occupational name for a hood maker.
Hope: A topographic name for people who live in a small valley.
Jack: It means “manly” or “strong”, and is derived from Old French “Jacques”.
James: This name comes from John, which means “God is gracious.” John was a disciple of Jesus Christ and one of the 12 apostles.
Jones: This is a Welsh last name meaning “son of John.”
Kane: The last name “Kane” comes from an old Gaelic term meaning “warrior.”
Kay: Kay is the last name of English origin, and it’s believed to have been derived from the Middle English word “chay” or “caye,” meaning “quay” or “wharf.”
Keen: The origin of this last name is English and Irish and the last name “keen” is derived from the Old English “cēne” meaning “brave” or “bold”
Keith: It’s an Anglicized version of the Gaelic “Ceit,” which means “wood.”
Kelly: A famous Irish family name, also an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Ceallaigh meaning “descendant of Ceallach.”
Kemp: From the Old English word cempa meaning “warrior” or “champion.”
Kerns: It’s from the Middle High German word Kerne meaning kernel.
Kim: The last name Kim is Korean in origin, and means “golden,”
King: This last name comes from the Old English word cyning, meaning “king.”
Knox: The last name Knox is of Scottish origin and means “from the hillock.”
Kyle: The last name Kyle is of Irish origin and means “narrow, strait.”
Leach: The last name Leach is of English origin and means “someone who lived near a stream”
Lee: A name for someone who lived near a wooded area. It also means “clearing” in Old Norse and can be traced back to Old English Leah, which meant clearing or glade in the woods.
Long: The last name Long is of English origin and means “someone who was tall.”
Lopez: This is a Spanish last name meaning “son of Lopez.”
Louis: The last name Louis is of French origin and means “famous warrior.”
Luke: Luke is a Latin name meaning “light” or “bringer of light”.
Luna: Luna is a Latin name meaning “moon”.
May: The last name taken from the month “May.”
Mack: Mack is a Scottish name meaning “son of”.
Marin: Marin is a French name meaning “of the sea”.
Noel: Noel is a French name meaning “Christmas”.
Otto: Otto is a German name meaning “wealthy”.
Page: It’s a name for a young servant and is of English origin.
Pena: Pena is a Spanish name meaning “rock”.
Penn: Penn is a Welsh name meaning “headland”.
Perry: Perry is an English name meaning “pear tree”.
Pitts: It means pit or hollow from the Old English word “pytt.”
Ray: In Middle English, it means “roe deer.”
Reed: It means red and is of English origin.
Reilly: The name Reilly is an Irish last name that comes from the Gaelic word for “courageous.”
Ricks: Ricks is a name of English origin, derived from the personal name Richard.
Rico: Rico is a name with Spanish origins, derived from the Latin word for “rich.”
Riggs: Riggs is a name that comes from Old English and means “ridge.”
Riley: Riley is a name that comes from Old English and means “rye clearing.”
Rios: Rios is a name with Spanish origins, derived from the word for “river.”
Ross: Ross is a name of Scottish origin, derived from the Gaelic word for “headland.”
Rowe: Rowe is a name that comes from Old English and means “row.”
Russo: Russo is a name with Italian origins, derived from the word for “red.”.
Scott: This Scottish last name means “from Scotland” or “Scot.”
Sharp: Sharp is a name that comes from the Old English word “scearp”, which means “sharp or pointed”.
Shaw: Shaw is a name that comes from the Old English word “sceaga”, which means “wood or thicket”.
Silva: Silva is a name that comes from the Latin word “silva”, which means “forest or woods”.
Sims: It means “son of Simon” and is of Scottish origin.
Smith: This is the most common last name in the United States. It means “metal worker.”
Snow: This is an English last name and it’s a nickname for people with white hair.
Stark: Stark is a name that comes from the Old Norse word “starkr”, which means “strong or hard”.
Stein: The last name Stein is derived from a German word meaning “stone”.
Taylor: This is an English last name meaning “tailor,” which was once a very common profession.
Vance: It means a marsh and is of English origin.
Vann: It means glad and is of English origin.
Vega: The last name Vega is of Spanish origin and means “meadow.”
West: The last name West is of English origin and means “from the west.”
Wise: Wise is from the Old English word wīs, which means “wise”.
Wood: Wood is from the Old English word wudu, which means “wood”.
Wynn: The last name Wynn is of Welsh origin and means “white.”
York: It means yew-tree and is of English origin.
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That’s all for short last names, I hope you loved this post. Thanks for reading.