150+ Japanese Twin Names – NamesBuddy
Are you browsing for cool Japanese twin names and struggling to get a perfect one? Don’t worry; I’m here to help you.

Getting regular twin names is a piece of a cakewalk, but it’s not the same for Japanese twin names. Oh, I forgot to wish you, first of all, congratulations on the arrival of sweet and cute twins.
Baby naming is a beautiful part of anyone’s life, and it should be done carefully, so don’t make it hurry. Japanese names are unique, and they have beautiful meanings. These are now common among baby names because of their cultural significance and uniqueness.
I don’t know what made you go with Japanese names, but you made a perfect decision that might surprise your kids. And naming twins is not like naming a single baby; you need to spend a double amount of time to bring perfect names from the ocean of names.
So, spend some quality time choosing names for your beautiful twins, and don’t forget to check the meanings of names.
Japanese Girl Twin Names
I have made this list with names that start with the same letter and have the same rhyming. Here some names will be repeated with other combinations, so I have provided meanings of these names at the bottom of the article.
- Ahmya, Ayaka
- Katana, Kaiya
- Midori, Mizuki
- Aika, Aiko
- Chiyo, Sachio
- Akako, Akasuki
- Akira, Amaya
- Fumiko, Hanako
- Anka, Annya
- Akina, Akira
- Hanako, Chikako
- Hana, Rikona
- Katana, Ayaka
- Ami, Amida
- Amaya, Amida
- Akako, Chikako
- Azami, Azumi
- Amida, Fujita
- Aki, Akasuki
- Akiko, Akina
- Emiko, Akiko
- Ayaka, Amaya
- Cho, Chiyo
- Sakura, Akira
- Chika, Chikako
- Chika, Chizu
- Akira, Takara
- Cho, Chieko
- Aiko, Chiyo
- Chika, Ayaka
- Chiyo, Chieko
- Dai, Daitan
- Hanan, Daitan
- Eiko, Emiko
- Emiko, Emiyo
- Fumiko, Emiko
- Eri, Erity
- Aiko, Chieko
- Etsu, Etsuko
- Mitsuko, Etsuko
- Fumiko, Fujita
- Hanako, Junko
- Gen, Gin
- Sachio, Emiyo
- Hana, Hanan
- Hana, Rikona
- Hana, Hanako
- Hoshi, Kazashi
- Hanan, Haneen
- Suzuki, Haruki
- Haruki, Hayami
- Hideko, Hideyo
- Hiro, Hiromi
- Chieko, Hideko
- Hiromi, Hoshi
- Jin, Jun
- Jun, Junko
- Katsumi, Kazashi
- Kaiya, Kawa
- Etsuko, Hideko
- Kaori, Katsumi
- Kazuko, Kiko
- Kazuko, Keiko
- Keiko, Kimiko
- Kazuko, Etsuko
- Kimiko, Komako
- Kumi, Kuni
- Kyoto, Kyoko
- Sakura, Takara
- Machiko, Maiko
- Makiko, Maiko
- Masako, Mayako
- Mayako, Mayuko
- Michiko, Mihoko
- Misako, Mitsuko
- Miyoko, Momoko
- Misako, Kazuko
- Namiko, Nanako
- Miyoko, Namiko
- Nanako, Naoko
- Michiko, Nanako
- Natsuko, Nayoko
- Mitsuko, Nyoko
- Nyoko, Noriko
- Rieko, Rikako
- Rikona, Rinako
- Takara, Sakura
- Risako, Ritsuko
- Tadako, Sachiko
- Rumiko, Ritsuko
- Sachiko, Sachio
- Sakura, Sakurako
- Sanako, Satoko
- Sayoko, Setsuko
- Shina, Shino
- Suki, Sumi
- Suki, Suzuki
- Tokiko, Yosuko
- Tadako, Takako
- Takara, Tama
- Yumiko, Mizuko
- Tamako, Tamiko
- Tanaka, Takara
- Yukako, Tamako
- Tokiko, Tomiko
- Hana, Tanaka
- Ume, Umi
- Eri, Umi
- Umi, Usagi
- Yoko, Yosuko
- Chikako, Yukako
- Yoshiko, Yukako
- Yukako, Yukiko
- Tokiko, Yumiko
- Yumako, Yumiko
- Yumiko, Yutsuko
ALSO READ: Japanese Names Meaning Moon
Japanese Twin Boy Names
- Akihiko, Akihiro
- Akihiro, Kentaro
- Amida, Arata
- Kazuhiko, Akihiko
- Akemi, Akira
- Kentaro, Takahiro
- Daichi, Daisuke
- Haru, Haruo
- Hiroshi, Hiroyuki
- Kaori, Katashi
- Kichi, Daichi
- Kazuhiko, Kentaro
- Namiyo, Takiyo
- Kenji, Kentaro
- Kichi, Kishi
- Saburo, Takahiro
- Kioshi, Kishi
- Michi, Kichi
- Kiyo, Kiyoshi
- Masahiro, Masuyo
- Ryo, Kiyo
- Osamu, Haru
- Michi, Michiya
- Minori, Michi
- Namiyo, Naoko
- Osamu, Ozuru
- Ringo, Ryo
- Ryuichi, Ryuji
- Saburo, Sadao
- Satoshi, Seiichi
- Sen’Ichi, Seiichi
- Shuji, Sun’Ichi
- Taishiro, Taiyo
- Takahiro, Takiyo
- Teruma, Tetsuya
- Tomo, Torio
- Kentaro, Ringo
- Yogi, Yori
- Kiyo, Torio
- Yori, Yoshi
- Yuki, Yukio
- Yuki, Yoshiyuki
You can make many combinations using the above names with the same rhyming, so try yourself to make a unique set of names for your twins.
Here some names have Kanji meanings in which a name is formed with one or more words, and all of them have separate meanings. Kanji is a script used in the Japanese language.
Ahmya: Black rain
Ayaka: Colorful flower
Aika: Love song
Aiko: Little loved one
Akako: Red
Akasuki: Bright helper
Akira: Bright, clear
Amaya: Night rain
Anka: Apricot, flower
Akemi: Bright
Aki: Autumn, bright
Akihiko: Bright boy
Akihiro: Bright, luminous
Akiko: Bright child
Akina: Bright greens
Ami: Love, beautiful, kindness
Amida: Large hill, progress, slanting
Arata: New
Ayaka: Bright, start
Azami: Beautiful, gauze, beauty
Azumi: Love, serene
Chieko: Thousand, blessed, child
Chika: Wisdom, good
Chikako: Friendly, parent
Chiyo: Thousand, geneartions
Chizu: Thousand, crane
Cho: Butterfly
Dai: Big
Daichi: Big, ground; big, smart
Daisuke: Big, help someone
Daitan: Daring
Eiko: Sharpness, child; clever, child
Emiko: Blessed, child
Emiyo: Blessed, beautiful generation
Eri: Blessed, beautiful
Erity: One who’s special
Etsu: Rejoice
Etsuko: Joy child
Fujita: Rice field
Fumiko: Beautiful, child
Gen: Spring
Gin: Silver
Hana: Flower
Hanako: Flower girl
Hanan: Flower child
Haneen: Flower child
Haru: Spring
Haruki: Spring, tree
Haruo: Spring, husband; spring, man; spring, in
Hayami: Early, beauty
Hideko: Great, child
Hideyo: Great, world: great, generation
Hiro: Big; broad-minded
Hiromi: Generous beauty
Hiroshi: Generous; prosperous
Hiroyuki: Big, fortune; leading widely, conqueror
Hoshi: Star
Jin: Tenderness
Jun: Shield; truth; pure
Junko: Pure, child
Kaiya: Forgiveness
Kaori: Fragrant
Katana: Sword
Katashi: Hard, firm
Katsumi: Wins, beauty
Kawa: River
Kazashi: Hair ornament
Kazuhiko: Calm, virtue
Kazuko: Calm, child
Keiko: Blessed, child
Kenji: Intelligent second son
Kentaro: Sharp, big boy
Kichi: Luck
Kiko: Happy, come; princess, child
Kimiko: Princess, beauty, child
Kioshi: Silent
Kishi: Hope, samurai; bright, samurai
Kiyo: Purity
Kiyoshi: Bright, clear
Komako: Frame, child
Kumi: A long time, beauty
Kuni: Country
Kyoko: Mirror
Kyoto: A Japanese city name
Machiko: A city, child
Maiko: Dance, princess
Makiko: True, child
Masahiro: Brave, big; brave, rich
Masako: Elegant, prosper, child
Masuyo: Benefit, world
Mayako: Blackened eyebrows, flower; true, father, child
Mayuko: Cocoon, child;
Michi: Myself; be delighted
Michiko: Beauty, smart, child
Michiya: Beauty, smart, call
Midori: Green
Mizuki: Moon
Mihoko: Beauty, ear, child; kindness, guarantee, child
Minori: Season; sincerity
Misako: Kindness, cherry blossoms, child
Mitsuko: Light, child
Miyoko: Beautiful, child
Momoko: Plum, child
Namiko: Wave, child
Namiyo: Mediocrity, generation
Nanako: Seven, child; seven, rainbow; greens, child
Naoko: Aspire, child
Natsuko: Summer, child
Nayoko: Honest, pure, child
Noriko: Benevolence, child
Nyoko: Gem, treasure
Osamu: Discipline
Ozuru: Big stork
Rieko: Logic, blessing, child
Rikako: Gallant, summer, child
Rikona: Pear, powder
Rinako: Glassy, apple tree, child
Ringo: Forest, apple
Risako: Gallant, morning, child
Ritsuko: Pear, child
Rumiko: Flow, beauty, child
Ryo: Excellent
Ryuichi: First son of the dragon
Ryuji: Dragon, second
Saburo: Third son
Sachiko: Happiness, child
Sachio: Fortune, hemp
Sadao: Decisive man; complete, zero
Sakurako: Cherry blossom, child
Sakura: Cherry blossom, bloom
Sanako: Smart, calm, child
Satoko: Wise, child
Satoshi: Smart, history
Sayoko: Help someone, good, child
Seiichi: Sincere, first
Sen’Ichi: Hermit, one; Thousand, one
Setsuko: Temple, child; snow, child
Shina: Virtue, good
Shino: Trust, you; aspire, you
Shuji: Excellent, second son
Suki: Beloved
Sumi: Beautiful, clear
Sun’Ichi: Dimensions, one
Suzuki: Bell tree
Tadako: Sincere, child
Taishiro: Ambitious boy
Taiyo: Sun, ocean
Takahiro: Precious, broad-minded
Takako: Precious, beautiful
Takara: Treasure
Takiyo: Waterfall, living
Tama: Globe, ball
Tamako: Auspicious, child
Tamiko: People, child
Tanaka: Multi, incense
Teruma: Morning sun, true
Tetsuya: Philosphy, intelligence
Tokiko: Time, child
Tomiko: Wealth, child
Tomo: Friend, wisdom
Torio: Bird’s tail
Ume: Plum
Umi: Beautiful, ocean
Usagi: Rabbit; moon, princess
Yogi: Participate, righteousness
Yoko: Ocean, child; sunshine, child
Yori: Reliable
Yoshi: Ceremony; fortunately
Yoshiko: Joy, child
Yoshiyuki: Beautiful, fortune
Yosuko: Rely, assistant
Yukako: Possess, excellent
Yuki: Snow, happiness
Yukiko: Happy, child; snow, child
Yukio: Snow, male
Yumako: Friend, be full, child
Yumiko: Reason, beauty, child
Yutsuko: Superiority, harbor, child

I hope you have got your Japanese twin name but make sure to check the meanings before selecting the names. Some names have one or more meanings, so check them using other sources also.