500+ Cool Indie Playlist Names for Indie Music – NamesBuddy
Are you browsing for a list of Indie playlist names to name your playlist of Indie songs? If so, you are in luck because I got you covered today. Music lovers always prefer making playlists and giving the best names to them.

Playlists are a great way to organize our favourite songs and use them based on our moods while also making them easily accessible to others. We can create playlists based on moods and many music genres like rock, jazz, pop, and whatever you like.
We can find many playlists on famous music platforms like Spotify, SoundCloud, and Amazon Music. On these platforms, we can create or access other playlists, and even we can share our playlists with others.
The thing creating a perfect playlist needs awesome songs and, at the same time, an eye-catchy name for your playlist. Without a cool and attention-grabbing playlist name, no one will click on your playlist to listen to the songs. So a creative and unique playlist name is a must to attract the listeners.
Indie Playlist Names
Before we get into the list of playlist names, we first know what exactly Indie music is. According to Wikipedia, Indie music means independent music that is produced or released without depending on commercial record labels.
Indie playlists definitely deserve the perfect name, and to help you choose a better name, I have also explained some of them. Now, let’s get into the list of playlist names.
Peaceful Indie: Pick it if you have soul-soothing songs in your playlist, and even it is perfect for romantic songs.
Little Currents: Go for it if your playlist has energizing and full josh songs.
Alternative Indies: The best alternative playlist for your current indie playlist.
2022 Indies: A playlist name for your current year indies.
This Is Indie: A cute indication for a listener who is looking for indie songs.
New Cocktail: Playlist name for newly composed or list of indies.
Indie Ones: A simple playlist name for your curated list of indie songs.
Indies Garage: A garage for indie lovers.
Fresh Independent: Already we know that Indie means independent music, so this is the best name for your fresh indies.
City Sunshine: A list of indies that are beautiful like sunshine.
Ultimate Indies: There’s no doubt these are the top indies.
Badass Indies: A good playlist for badass indie songs.
90’s Memories: You can pick this name if you are creating a playlist of 90’s indies.
Handmade Music: You are indicating that songs in the playlist are hardly composed.
New Born Indies: A playlist name for newly composed indies.
Indie Dreams: Everyone has some dreams and they are precious; these indie songs are also like that.
Modern Beats: A perfect name for modern indie songs.
Journey To Indies: A special journey into the world of indies.
Essential Beats: One should listen to this playlist because these are essential.
Indie Surf: A surfing into the world of Indie music.
Now let’s get into more playlist name ideas for indie music.
- Whispered Rag
- Gigantic Songwriter
- Kickstart Sound
- Completely Pop
- Massive Phrase
- Fervent Indies
- Gainful Indie
- Hellish Flute
- Habitual Tune
- Humble Musicology
- Genuine Polka
- Clean Quadrille
- Able Song
- Unreliable Flute
- Thorough Motion
- Drunk Indie
- Splendid Polonaise
- Struggle Notation
- Exposed Polonaise
- Silent Indie
- Gusty Indie
- Damp Harmonize
- Sore Revue
- Nostalgic Sing
- Able Indie
- Acid Polonaise
- Suddenly Indies
- Damp Polka
- Svelte Indies
- Handmade Folkie
- Apocalypse Jazz
- Hellish Compose
- Babyish Karaoke
- Wanting Chord
- Menacing Ram
- Exalted Rap
- Unlikely Jazz
- Exalted Composition
- Adorable Sing
- Damp Hip-hop
- Jolly Indie
- Impeccable Indies
- Decisive Jazz
- Abrupt Composer
- Hapless Disco
- Plaintive Flat
- Untried Indie
- Suffer Choir
- Venerated Pop
- Voiceless Ram
- Parsimonious Monophony
- Conceited Notation
- Imaginary Strings
- Acid Jazz
- Near Indies
- Light Revue
- Jobless Musicology
- Daily Blues
- Jolly Guitar
- Shameless Caprice
- Essential Lento
- Grand Tune
- Ethical Descant
- Groggy Indie
- Gorgeous Salsa
- Battle Bop
- Punctual Vamp
- Squeamish Indie
- Aggressive Motion
- Today Tune
- Equal Rag
- Luxurious Rap
- Confident Indies
- Tricky Rag
- Best Boogie
- Fervent Indie
- Beautiful Set
- Magenta Lento
- Gummy Indies
- Bad Indies
- Toothsome Fortissimo
- Imaginary Flute
- Overrated Soul
- Svelte Classical
- Expensive Indie
- Painstaking Singing
- Discover Hip-hop
- Unreliable Counterpoint
- Infantile Polka
- Hell Composer
- Babyish Indie
- High Salsa
- Thoughtful Guitar
- Unadvised Folk Music
- Groovy Tweedle
- Parched Strings
- Likeable Indie
- Revolutionary Counterpoint
- Provocative Indies
- Teeny Orchestra
- Habitual Indies
- Subdued Medley
- Angelic Guitar
- Spherical Indie
- Unlikely Indies
- Mature Harmonize
- Pointless Glee
- Extremely Folk
- Which Indie
- Impolite Tercet
- Exultant Natural
- Equal Sound
- Seriously Assai
- Luminous Indie
- Speedy Caprice
- Horrifying Indies
- Dazzling Vamp
- Stunning Guitar
- Meticulous Notation
- Promote Vamp
- Respectful Assai
- Lavish Compose
- Impolite Salsa
- Touchy Chord
- Humble Tune
- Front Musicology
- Sneering One-step
- Tasty Sing
- Verifiable Medley
- Shadowy Adagio
- Nebulous One-step
- Exalted Assai
- Magenta Harmonize
- Unpleasant Lento
- Dutiful Funk
- Entire Jazz
- Laugh Indie
- Exultant Rumba
- Overrated Indie
- Mouldy Indie
- Challenge Rag
- Phobic Rag
- Showy Monophony
- Embarrassing Forte
- Periodic Indies
- Daffy Singing
- Unforgettable Tune
- Finished Play
- Extremely Tune
- Mountainous Indies
- Launch Indies
- Toothsome Singing
- Magic Sound
- Marvellous Indie
- Marvellous Disco
- Mean Rumba
- Extremely Opera
- Confident Indie
- New Ram
- Adorable Swing
- Crisp Jazz
- Devoted Pop
- Active Radio
- Sable Natural
- Whopping Score
- Even Phrase
- Attentive Flat
- Exciting Funk
- Babyish Mariachi
- Exalted Indies
- Likeable Karaoke
- Alarming Funk
- Tricky Indie
- Handsome Sound
- Amp Jazz
- Bumpy Score
- Supercharge Songwriter
- Guilt-free Flat
- Overrated D
- Foamy Piano
- Mean D
- Treacherous Folkie
- Magnificent Pianissimo
- Temporary Composer
- Aboard Indie
- Same Indies
- Morose Quadrille
- Truly Philharmonic
- Replicate Sound
- Quixotic Musician
- Standard Contra
- Regular Jazz
- Attractive Rapper
- Common Revue
- Impeccable Sharp
- Conscious Tonality
- Each Soul
- Pointless Indies
- Quizzical Harmony
- Active Phrase
ALSO READ: Spotify Playlist Names
Indie Playlist Name Ideas
Have you got your playlist name from the above list? If not, have a look at below playlist names.
- Nostalgic Piano
- Deceptive Mariachi
- Daffy Art
- Massive Rap
- Reclusive Caprice
- Fascinating Strings
- Colossal Set
- Colossal Composer
- High One-step
- Jolly Hornpipe
- Unlikely Indie
- Fancy Indies
- Cultivated Indies
- Adolescent Classical
- Chivalrous Indie
- Passive Indies
- Plaintive Indies
- Confident Blues
- Aggressive Mus.
- Detailed Indie
- Ruthless Piano
- Dazzling Rap
- Dowdy Indie
- Invincible Folk Music
- Portly Rhythm
- Whispered Indie
- Heartwarming Tune
- Nebulous Musical
- Gripping Indie
- Unused Piping
- High Musical
- Devoted Tango
- Bashful Musicology
- Scared Composition
- Effortless Lento
- Essential Jive
- Tranquil Mariachi
- Truculent Rag
- Whole Contra
- Gorgeous Rumba
- Transform Tuneless
- Hideous Indie
- Tricks Tonality
- Distorted Indie
- Dynamic Polonaise
- Parched Flat
- Devilish Pop
- Sadly Musicology
- Beloved Jive
- Elite Rock
- Avoid D
- Guilt Tune
- Detailed Tarantella
- Popular Tweedle
- Gripping Piano
- Elated Descant
- Versatile Indie
- Imaginary Indie
- Picky Vamp
- Relentless Radio
- Possible Musical
- Deep Chord
- Optimal Indie
- Painless Sound
- Spherical Composer
- Delicious Musical
- Adorable Chord
- Humble Glee
- Attentive Pop
- Milky Indies
- Fervent Musical
- Ragged Indies
- Possessive Indies
- Cumbersome Indies
- Kickstart Indie
- Greedy Indies
- Strident Indie
- Venerated Indie
- Cultivated D
- Broad Sound
- Frivolous Jazz
- Any Guitar
- Thrilling Notation
- Mountainous Tonality
- Equal Tuneless
- Battle Forte
- Supercharge Flat
- Foreign Tercet
- Repentant Indies
- Double Revue
- Flagrant Pianissimo
- Thrilling Classical
- Impetuous Indie
- Imported Indies
- Respectful Bop
- Grand Polonaise
- Innate Natural
- Parsimonious Glee
- Pointless Singing
- Crisp Phrase
- Unusual Karaoke
- Jumpstart Song
- Luxurious Opera
- Dowdy Indies
- Uptight Indie
- Marvellous Tune
- Untried Indie
- Satisfying Fortissimo
- Loving Salsa
- Sensational Dulcet
- Dependent Soul
- Interesting Musical
- Violent Indies
- Unexpected Harmonize
- Embarrassing Flat
- Picky Indie
- Mysterious Tango
- Attack Counterpoint
- Grey Soul
- Punctual Folkie
- Savoury Salsa
- Savoury Euphony
- Satisfying Classical
- Optimal Tango
- Brisk Harmonize
- Violent Galop
- Wonderful Choir
- Bumpy Swing
- Triple Caprice
- Guarded Indie
- Watchful Motion
- Quixotic Stave
- Scrawny Salsa
- Basic Piano
- Invincible Indie
- Agonizing Indie
- Attentive Indies
- Muted Composition
- Barrage Tune
- Problem Tune
- Wiry Folkie
- Silent Rhapsody
- Charming Hip-hop
- Jolly Tune
- Adolescent Conga
- Nine Tonality
- Truculent Indie
- Blast Rapper
- Perfect Musical
- Faithful Coloratura
- Flat Rapper
- Bargain Indie
- Sable Indies
- Bossy Vamp
- Bumpy Sing
- Lazy Rag
- Succinct Conga
- Provocative Jazz
- Respected Quadrille
- Elite Chord
- Faithful Indie
- Tactless Tweedle
- Battle Video
- Ignite Harmony
- Extraordinary Monophony
- Gusty Tweedle
- Daily Piping
- Meticulous Stave
- Foamy Indie
- Agonizing Funk
- Intense Salsa
- Queasy Indie
- Possessive Boogie
- Triple Adagio
- Remote Tune
- New Galop
- Favourable Composer
- Listless Indie
- Weird Mariachi
- Copy Schmaltz
- Shabby Indies
- Wanting Assai
- Crazy Indie
- Squeamish Play
- Dependent Tango
- Meticulous Composer
- Excellent Mariachi
- Truculent Jive
- Master Polka
- Discover Strings
- Perpetual Composition
- Groggy Flute
- Sable Harmonize
- Thundering Descant
- Abrupt Chord
- Truculent Tango
- Faithful Piping
- Ferocious Galop
- Silent Jazz
- Combative Indie
Indie Spotify Playlist Names
Here we have another list of indie playlist name ideas for the Spotify music platform.
- Finished Boogie
- Instantly Musical
- Touchy Indie
- Flat Rap
- Fervent Indie
- Whopping Composer
- Lethal Hornpipe
- Super Song
- Acid Philharmonic
- Magnificent Polka
- Ravenous Compose
- Uncontrollable D
- Leery Compose
- Shabby Folk Music
- Best Score
- Impartial Rocker
- Essential Chord
- Extraordinary Sound
- Temporary Folk
- Problem Indie
- Soupy Rhapsody
- Hell Indie
- Swanky Salsa
- Insult Notation
- Satisfy Sharp
- Any Indie
- Early Piano
- Complete Indie
- Battle Polka
- Front Funk
- Goddamn Monophony
- Thrilling Tweedle
- Cumbersome Song
- Indulgent Tango
- Minimalist Indies
- Mere Karaoke
- Silly Song
- Turbulent Song
- Captivate Rhapsody
- Funniest Video
- Careless Euphony
- Lean Set
- Bumpy Lento
- Affordable Blues
- Trashy Indies
- Slim Flute
- Late Indies
- Dutiful Funk
- Mean Polka
- Macho Composer
- Bright Piano
- Private Medley
- Aback Natural
- Wide-eyed Indies
- Elated Adagio
- Gorgeous Jazz
- Inspiring Pop
- Needless Indie
- Jagged Assai
- Formal Rhapsody
- Hell Glee
- Essential Disco
- Turbocharge D
- Kickstart Piano
- Free Indie
- Favourable Mus.
- Innate Symphony
- Strident Folk Music
- Dearest Flat
- Create Orchestra
- Wiry Tango
- Teeny Indie
- Crazy Indie
- Exultant Symphony
- Jumpstart Bop
- Parched Indies
- Interesting Medley
- Free Schmaltz
- Premium Sound
- Alluring Indie
- Abject Conga
- Satisfying Opera
- Voiceless Rumba
- Impressive Indie
- Delicious Folk
- Portly Indie
- Likeable Flute
- Mere Opera
- Savoury Soul
- High Rhapsody
- Blushing Jazz
- Untried Indie
- Crushing Tercet
- Sneering Indie
- On-demand Stave
- Grand Medley
- Horrifying Euphony
- Mere Indie
- Memorable Indie
- Suffer Indies
- Tolerant Play
- Dynamic Indies
- Groggy Monophony
- Recreate Hip-hop
- Sullen Disco
- Habitual Indie
- Magenta Choir
- Savoury Piping
- Sour Jazz
- Weird Indie
- Slim Melody
- Simple Indie
- Rural Compose
- Ragged Tango
- Picky Play
- Ultimate Piano
- Scarce Piping
- Misguided Gospel
- Gusty Pianissimo
- Guilt Musician
- Divergent Indie
- Grubby Natural
- Dearest Indies
- Gorgeous Set
- Faraway Swing
- Private Indies
- Gainful Melody
- Conscious Folkie
- Possible Mariachi
- Insidious Tonality
- Bashful Philharmonic
- Bold Rock
- Suddenly Notation
- Attentive Sound
- Careless Score
- Actually Galop
- Wonderful Indies
- Lucrative Piano
- Gripping Singing
- Broad Indie
- Gratis Indies
- Remote Natural
- Sturdy Karaoke
- Confident Indies
- Nine Indies
- Verifiable Descant
- Exclusive Tune
- Strident Adagio
- Adorable Revue
- Attentive Indie
- Novel Rocker
- Delicious Harmonize
- Nebulous Indies
- Perpetual Piano

How to Find A Perfect Indie Playlist Name
Making a playlist based on the genre, moods, or our choice is easy but finding a proper name for that playlist is not that easy. If you plan to make it public, definitely it needs a better name. Below are some tips for doing that; let’s get started.
Which Kind of Name You Want
First of all, decide which kind of name you want for your playlist; for example, do you want a funny name or a cool name or a sarcastic name, etc? Sometimes, it also depends on your genre of songs or the kind of songs in the playlist. But don’t make it weird by choosing a totally opposite name for the songs inside the playlist.
Choose A Relevant Name
As I said in the above point, don’t go for a name that doesn’t reflect the songs on your playlist. For example, if you pick a name that is related to love but the songs inside the playlist are motivational, then the user who clicks on your playlist is not going to listen to your songs because he/she is looking for love-related songs.
Make It Unique
The first rule is to choose a unique name to attract the listeners. No one likes a copycat, so even if your playlist has good songs, no one likes your playlist because of a copied name. So don’t go for a name that is copied or too similar to existing playlist names, but you can copy the style or theme of other playlist names.
Short is Sweet
And another thing is to choose a short and simple name for a playlist because short names are always easy to remember and also aesthetic. If someone feels difficulty reading or is unable to understand your playlist name, they are not going to open your playlist. So go for a short playlist name.