175 Creative Funny Character Names List – NamesBuddy

Do you want a list of funny character names? I’ve compiled a list of character names that are both amusing and useful in completing your work.

funny character names
Photo Courtesy: Canva

Character names can be used for a variety of purposes, including usernames, nicknames, and characters in stories. Character names, on the other hand, are commonly used to name characters in fiction.

Character names are an important part of writing. A character name is often the first thing an audience gets to know about a character and plays an important role in pulling readers into the story.

And the hardest thing about writing a new story is coming up with names for your characters. Once you know your character, it is easy to find a name that fits him or her.

A character’s name usually determines their attitude in a tale, therefore be careful when picking a name for your character. For example, if you want to name a villain in your fiction, choose a name with a negative connotation.

The same is true for funny character names, therefore to assist you, I compiled a list of names that have a sense of fun. Let’s get started.

Funny Character Names

A funny character name is a name that makes the reader laugh out loud. It can be a pun, an alliteration, or just a plain crazy name.

Amateur: It means a person engaging in a pursuit of pleasure that is unpaid and unprofessional. You can have this name in your story if you have this kind of character.

Atomfart: It’s a combination of atom and fart which makes it more fun.


Average: Do you have any average guy in your story?

Baddish: A funny combination of bad and dish.


Banana: Fruit name for a character makes some fun. Try it.

Batter: It means to beat repeatedly.


Beddy: A funny name for a sleepy person, bed+dy.

Bin: Every story has some unimportant characters, this is for them.

Blast: Who creates a situation like a blast?

Blooper: It means a funny mistake.

Bones: Funny version of Jones.

Boom: Another replacement for the blast.

BooWoo: It’s not bowwow, it’s boowoo.


Bowble: A new version of a bubble.


Bugger: A bug.


Buttersky: Butterfly is common.




Chipmonkey: It’s not a chipmunk.

Cookie: For a cookie lover.

Cold: For a sneezy guy.

Cornbread: A bread made with corn and I don’t know whether it exists.

Cornpop: It’s not popcorn.





Darkspot: Dark spots always irritate us.


Diggy: Who digs everything?


Durty: Don’t confuse it with dirty.


Fatter: For a fat man.

Fewhairs: Less hair.



Hangbang: Bangbang is routine.

Hardcrock: Funny version of Hardrock.

Hugbug: Hug from a bug.

Huggy Heaterson




Kiddy: An elder with childish behavior.




Liger: Crossbreed of lion and tiger.

Machodon: Manchoman is routine, it’s machodon.



Miraculous: For a miracle guy in your story.

Moody: For a lazy guy.

Mr. Pee

Mr. Virgin






Olden: For a young guy who behaves like an old guy.







Recycle: A recycle bin.

Saucer: Also try a flying saucer.



Smrat (Funny version of smart)














Unbox: You have to unbox the fun.

Unteen: Not a teen.

Winker: A person who winks.


Winwin: For a topper in your story.

Woofer: Who sounds like a woofer?

Yellow: Yellow yellow dirty fellow.

Funny Character Names For Games

Need a list of funny gaming character names to begin your gaming journey? If so, below we have some handpicked funny gaming names for you.

  1. Ding Dong
  2. Lovely Hat
  3. Cheat Meal
  4. Wonder Half
  5. Super Wet
  6. It’s Not Funny
  7. Oat Meal
  8. Furious
  9. Bad Fate
  10. Hilarious Karma
  11. I’m Real
  12. Snow Boy
  13. Please Go
  14. I’m Not Funny
  15. I Will Kick You
  16. Say Hello
  17. Lock The Fun
  18. Banana Boy
  19. You’re Not My Friend
  20. Cheese Pizza
  21. Give Me Your Pizza
  22. Don’t PHere
  23. I’m Not Rich
  24. Please Breath
  25. Skinny Spider-Man
  26. Fat KitKat
  27. Actually, I’m Funny
  28. Indeed I Need You
  29. Premium Princess
  30. Social Media Beauty
  31. Don’t Call Me F_rt
  32. I’m Not An Angel
  33. Confused Peanut
  34. Savage Age
  35. Assistant Frog
  36. Evening Breakfast
  37. Super Soup
  38. It’s Time To F_rt
  39. Corn Syrup
  40. I’m Not Coming
  41. Image Blurred
  42. Photo Is Kidnapped
  43. Sleeping On Sofa
  44. Technical Tech
  45. LapBottom
  46. Fine Apple
  47. Don’t Bill
  48. Here The Change
  49. I’m Not The Boss
  50. Fried Egg
  51. Hire Fire
  52. Not Much Fat
  53. Vegetable Salad
  54. Playlist Is Not Ready
  55. I’m In The Toilet
  56. Busy Schedule
  57. About Us
  58. Costly Hugs
  59. Average Taste
  60. Mistaking Mistake
  61. Calendar Me
  62. Follow Me
  63. I’m On The Internet
  64. Piggy Bank
  65. Funny Fantasy
  66. Read My Name
  67. Make Me Laugh
  68. I Love Me
  69. Vintage Vegan
  70. Engaging Story
  71. Selfish Profile
  72. Trouble Creator
  73. Cool Cake
  74. Lazy Gamer
  75. I’m Next
funny character names

How to Name Your Characters for Your Novel or Story

Names are important in novels and stories because they can help readers to remember the characters. When you give your character a name, you should choose one that is appropriate for their age, gender, ethnicity, occupation, and personality.

If you want to make your character memorable and funny, there are a few things you can do. You can use a name that is unusual or has a funny meaning. You can also use a name that is similar to the character’s personality.

The key is to avoid using names that are too common or too similar to other characters in the book. This will make it harder for readers to remember who you’re talking about.

Choosing a name for your character can be hard. You should consider the following when choosing a name:

– Does the name fit with the person’s appearance?

– Is it unusual?

– Is it too popular?

– Does it have any negative connotations?

Why Character Names Matter and Why You Should Care

A character’s name is one of the most important things that a writer can do. Names are the first introduction to a character, and they are often used to describe what that character is like.

The way readers feel about each character is also influenced by their names. Depending on the connotations of a name, it can be used to elicit sympathy or aversion for a person.

And we’re all aware that a character’s name has an impact on how we perceive them. A good name can aid the reader in forming an impression of the character’s personality. A bad name, on the other hand, can make it harder for readers to empathize with and identify with a character.

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