71 Badass Italian Last Names (With Meanings)
Are you looking for the perfect last name to elevate your newly written character or to find inspiration? If so, the below-listed badass Italian last names will help you.
Last names or surnames are not just an identity but also a reflection of our heritage and prestige. In one sentence, they play a significant role in our lives.
Now, it’s time to experience the essence of Italian last names!
From the poetic Bellinis to the noble Romanos, Italian last names mirror Italy’s rich culture, heritage, history, and diverse regions.
In this blog, we will explore some badass Italian surnames along with their meanings.
Badass Italian Last Names
Abate: This Italian last name means “Abbot,” often associated with a person who held a religious title.
Acciaio: This Italian last name means “steel.”
Acqua: This Italian last name means “water.”
Agostini: Agostini is derived from “August” and may symbolize someone born in the month of August or represent a noble family.
Amato: This Italian last name means “loved.”
Ardente: This Italian last name means “fiery” or “burning.”
Baldi: This Italian last name means “bold,” and is often associated with individuals known for their courage or fearlessness.
Barbieri: Barbieri means “barbers,” signifying a family’s historical association with the profession of hairdressing or grooming.
Battaglia: This Italian last name means “battle,” possibly indicating a family’s historical involvement in military activities.
Benedetti: Benedetti means “blessed,” reflecting a family’s association with religious faith.
Berardi: Berardi means “bear.”
Bianchini: This Italian last name means “whites.”
Bianco: This Italian last name also means “white.”
Biondi: Biondi means “blond,” often associated with individuals with light-colored hair.
Bosco: Bosco means “woods,” possibly representing a family’s historical connection to forests or wooded areas.
Bruni: Bruni means “brown-haired,” indicating individuals with brown hair.
Bruto: This Italian last name means “brutal” or “savage.”
Capone: Capone means “leader,” reflecting individuals or families with leadership qualities or positions of authority.
Caputo: This Italian last name means “head,” potentially associated with individuals in leadership roles.
Carbone: Carbone means “coal,” often linked to individuals involved in the coal industry.
Castiglione: This Italian last name means “fortress.”
Cavallaro: Cavallaro means “horseman,” indicating individuals with a historical connection to horsemanship.
Cavalli: Cavalli means “horses.”
Cavallini: This Italian last name means “little horses.”
Corona: Corona means “crown,” signifying nobility, honor, or possibly indicating a family’s history of leadership.
Corso: Corso means “course” or “path.”
Cosma: Cosma means “cosmos.”
Crudele: This Italian last name means “cruel” or “merciless.”
De Rosa: De Rosa means “Of the Rose.”
Drago: Drago means “dragon,” often symbolizing strength and power.
D’Amore: It means “Of Love.”
D’Angelo: This last name means “Of the Angels.”
D’Arco: D’Arco means “Of the Bow,” possibly indicating a family with a history of archery.
Esposito: It means “exposed.”
Fabrizio: Fabrizio means “fabulous” or “wonderful.”
Ferri: This Italian last name means “irons,” often related to individuals or families involved in ironwork.
Forte: Forte means “strong” or “powerful.”
Furente: This surname means “furious” or “angry.”
Furioso: Furioso means “furious” or “raging.”
Gatti: Gatti means “cats,” possibly associated with individuals who had a fondness for cats or showed cat-like qualities.
Guerra: This last name means “war,” possibly reflecting a family’s historical involvement in military activities.
Inferno: Inferno means “hell.”
Insidioso: This surname means “insidious” or “treacherous.”
Leone: Leone means “lion,” often symbolizing courage and strength.
Longo: The meaning of this last name is “long,” possibly signifying individuals with tall stature.
Lucifero: Lucifero means “Lucifer.”
Lupo: This Italian last name means “wolf.”
Malatesta: Malatesta is less common and means “bad head.”
Maledetto: Maledetto means “cursed” or “accursed.”
Martello: This family name means “hammer,” often related to individuals or families involved in blacksmithing.
Morte: Morte means “death.”
Neri: This last name means “black,” often associated with individuals with dark hair.
Piccolo: Piccolo means “small.”
Rossetti: The meaning of this beautiful last name is “little rose.”
Salvatore: Salvatore means “savior.”
Scarpa: This last name means “shoe” or “footwear,” possibly signifying a family’s historical connection to shoemaking.
Scellerato: Scellerato means “wicked” or “villainous.”
Scorpione: Scorpione means “scorpion.”
Serpe: This Italian last name means “serpent” or “snake.”
Serpico: Serpico is a variant of “Serpe.”
Spada: It means “sword.”
Tenebra: Tenebra means “darkness” or “shadow.”
Tenebroso: Tenebroso means “dark” or “gloomy.”
Terribile: This last name means “terrible” or “frightening.”
Valentino: Valentino means “valiant” or “strong,” often associated with bravery.
Veleno: Veleno means “poison,” symbolizing danger and toxicity.
Vendetta: It means “revenge.”
Vendicatore: Vendicatore means “avenger” or “revenge-seeker.”
Viperi: Viperi is a variant of “viper,” referring to venomous snakes.
Vitale: This means “vital” or “lively.”
Zuccaro: Zuccaro means “sugar.”
ALSO READ: 70+ Badass Last Names

That’s all for badass Italian last names, and I hope you loved the list of last names.