765+ Cool And Catchy Anime Usernames 2024
Are you searching for Anime Usernames? If yes, you’ve come to the best place to grab a perfect username inspired by anime.

A perfect username is a great start for any game or any other social platform, and it makes you stand out from the crowd.
Usually, people don’t spend time choosing a username, and they end up picking a common username.
But it is the first-ever impression of your profile and can bring you followers, so go for a unique username.
And anime usernames could be a great choice if you love anime; moreover, these are trendy now.
Anime Usernames
Here we have 250+ anime username ideas, so let’s dive in.
- GokuBlaze
- NinjaNaruto
- ThunderLuffy
- SoulIchigo
- LuminousLight
- ScarletMikasa
- TitanEren
- Leviathan
- FullmetalAl
- RinShadow
- SaitamaSmash
- GonHunter
- OtakuEnigma
- AnimeDreamer
- KawaiiChaos
- ChibiWhisper
- CosplaySorcerer
- MangaMystic
- NekoGoddess
- SenpaiStar
- MagicalOtaku
- VocaloidVortex
- AnimeEuphoria
- GeekyAnime
- ItachiSempai
- RamenWarrior
- KawaiiMelody
- OtomeCharm
- AnimeNinja
- CosplayEmpire
- NekoOtaku
- MangaMaestro
- ChibiWanderer
- VocaloidEcho
- KawaiiInk
- OtakuParadise
- AnimeHarmony
- SenpaiWhisperer
- MagicalCraze
- GeekySorcerer
- ItachiOtaku
- RamenEnthusiast
- KawaiiSpell
- OtomeGoddess
- AnimeRhythm
- CosplayPhoenix
- NekoWhiskers
- MangaWizard
- ChibiGamer
- VocaloidFantasia
- KawaiiMoon
- OtakuJourney
- AnimeChaos
- SenpaiFusion
- MagicalWhisper
- GeekyEnigma
- ItachiMystic
- RamenNoodle
- KawaiiSoul
- OtomeMelody
- AnimeMystic
- CosplayEnchant
- ElectricKillua
- KiritoSword
- StarAsuna
- CrimsonErza
- DragonSlayerNatsu
- CelestialLucy
- GeassLelouch
- CodeC.C.
- KanekiGhoul
- SpikeBounty
- VashStampede
- InfernoHomura
- MagicalMadoka
- ShinjiEvangelion
- ReiAyanami
- ArminStrategist
- GutsBerserk
- GriffithEclipse
- JotaroStand
- DioVampire
- KenshinWanderer
- SanosukeFist
- TrunksTime
- PiccoloNamekian
- SaiyanGohan
- KurapikaChain
- HisokaJoker
- PirateZoro
- NavigatorNami
- BlackLegSanji
- NicoNinja
- FlameRoy
- WinryWrench
- HistoriaQueen
- AsukaEvangelion
- FlameAlchemist
- IzukuHero
- ExplosiveKatsuki
- ShotoFrost
- OchacoGravity
- AllMighty
- GrayIce
- GajeelIron
- RukiaSoul
- UryuArcher
- SosukeCaptain
- SakuraBlossom
- KakashiHound
- ItachiSharingan
- KagomeTimeTraveler
- InuyashaDemon
- SangoSlayer
- MirokuMonk
- BankotsuBandit
- SesshomaruMoon
- SniperSinon
- YuukiSword
- KoyomiVampire
- TsubasaWings
- HomuraFlame
- MadokaMagical
- RyukoScissor
- SatsukiEmpress
- TaigaTiger
- RyuujiDragon
- NarutoHokage
- SasukeUchiha
- SakuraCherry
- KakashiCopy
- ItachiMangekyou
- JotaroStandUser
- JosukeCrazy
- GiornoMafia
- GintokiSamurai
- ShinpachiGlasses
- KaguraYato
- KoroSenseiTeacher
- NagisaAssassin
- KarmaRevenge
- SaitamaBald
- GenosCyborg
- MobPsycho
- ReigenSensei
- DragonSlayerNatsu
- HappySmile
- GokuTheSaiyan
- NinjaNarutoUzumaki
- StrawHatLuffy
- SoulReaperIchigo
- DeathNoteLight
- TitanSlayerMikasa
- TitanErenJaeger
- LeviAckerman
- FullmetalAlchemist
- RinTheExorcist
- SaitamaOnePunch
- GonFreecss
- ZoldyckAssassin
- BlackSwordsmanGuts
- CodeGeassLelouch
- GeassWitchC.C.
- GhoulKanekiKen
- BountyHunterSpike
- VashTheStampede
- PuellaMagiHomura
- MagicalGirlMadoka
- EvaPilotShinji
- ReiAyanami
- ArminStrategist
- BerserkerGuts
- EclipseGriffith
- StandUserJotaro
- VampireDioBrando
- WandererKenshin
- FistFighterSanosuke
- SaiyanPrinceVegeta
- NamekianPiccolo
- SaiyanHybridGohan
- KurtaClanKurapika
- MagicianHisoka
- PirateHunterZoro
- NavigatorNami
- CookSanji
- ArchaeologistNico
- FlameAlchemistRoy
- AutomailEngineerWinry
- QueenHistoriaReiss
- EvaPilotAsuka
- FlameAlchemistRoy
- SniperRizaHawkeye
- DekuHeroAcademia
- ExplosionBoyKatsuki
- HalfHotHalfColdShoto
- GravityGirlOchaco
Anime Names For Instagram
Haven’t you found any good usernames from the above list? Don’t worry here I come up with another list of anime usernames for Instagram.
- RikaCharming
- KojiFirestorm
- EmiMelody
- RinaMoonlightDancer
- ShinjiEVApilot
- NatsumiAmberHeart
- MisakiCrimsonRose
- YusukeSoulSlayer
- MakiAzureDream
- KenjiMystic
- MikuHarmony
- YutaJourneyer
- SakuraBreeze
- ShotaBlazingSoul
- AyaMoonlit
- YuukiPureHeart
- YukaEnchantedSoul
- MakotoSeraph
- KatsukiExplosion
- HiroMugen
- HiroshiWarrior
- MeiCherryBlossom
- HiroMugenMaster
- HanaBlossom
- IchiroSensei
- KanaEthereal
- KazukiNinja
- MioHarmony
- RikuEvergreen
- RyoChampion
- EmiSakura
- HaruShadowWalker
- AikoSerenade
- AyaRosePetal
- MakotoEternal
- HarumiDuskEmbrace
- TomokoStargazer
- YukiWinterland
- AyakaTwilightGlow
- MioSerene
- TakakoAmethyst
- HarumiTwilight
- ShinjiPilotEVA
- HarukaSparkle
- KojiDragonheart
- KentaRisingSun
- SayakaLullaby
- YutaWanderlust
- NatsukiSongbird
- ToshiroFrostblade
- HidekiShadowWalker
- YuukiInnocence
- KazuyaBlackthorn
- KanaWhisper
- KazuyaBlackthorn
- YuiEnchantress
- SakuraBlossom
- ToshiroBlizzard
- KazukiKnight
- TakahiroGoldenHeart
- YuiDreamweaver
- YumikoTranquil
- TaroThunderstrike
- DaikiShiningStar
- KenjiSamurai
- MeiCherryBlossom
- KaoriMelody
- KaoriMelancholy
- TatsuyaBlaze
- NaoSunshine
- MiyukiSilverfrost
- ShunSilentBlade
- HirokoTimeless
- TakumiVelocity
- TakumiSpeedster
- AikoHeart
- IchiroGaming
- SakiSilverLining
- YuiAstralDreamer
- YukaEuphoria
- SatoshiMysticalSword
- HikariGlimmer
- RenEclipse
- NaokiThunderbolt
- MisakiCrimsonRose
- HikariLuminary
- KentaRisingFlame
- AyaneEthereal
- MasatoDragonSlayer
- NatsumiAmber
- NatsukiDreamcatcher
- TakashiWanderer
- EriAstralSky
- MidoriWhisper
- YumiSoulful
- YukihiroStardust
- HarukaDreamer
- RyotaThunderbolt
- AyanoWhirlwind
- ReiMoonlightShadow
- SoraSkylark
- MiyukiSilverWolf
- AyakaSapphire
- KotaJade
- AkioCrimsonPhoenix
- ReiMoonshadow
- AtsushiSilverSword
- JunJourneyman
- AiCrystalSerenity
- HiroshiHeroic
- HaruAdventurer
- RyotaCrimsonStorm
- AyumiStarlight
- YumiMoonlight
- AyumiShiningStar
- ShotaFlameSeeker
- MidoriGreenEyes
- SatoshiMystic
- YukiSnowflake
- RikaCherry
- TaroStormbreaker
- AyakaDuskfall
- YumikoTranquilSoul
- SayakaLullabyWhisper
- JunWanderingSoul
- MayuWhisperingWind
- DaikiRisingStar
- RyoChampionBlade
- TatsuyaKaze
- SoraEternalSky
ALSO READ: Anime Usernames for Discord
Anime Username Ideas For Girl
Here we have some usernames for girls, have a look.
- SakuraDreams
- LunaRose
- HikariStar
- AyumiSky
- HarukaMoon
- NatsukiWhisper
- YumikoSerenade
- KawaiiCherry
- MizukiBlossom
- RinKawaii
- AkiraSparkle
- AikoSunshine
- YukiMelody
- EmiShimmer
- MaiMystic
- KohanaGlimmer
- SayuriDawn
- SoraTranquil
- MikuFrost
- MisakiDusk
- MomokoLace
- KaoriBreeze
- YumiEcho
- MegumiEnchant
- AsukaVelvet
- NanamiWhisper
- HaruStarlight
- RinaGlow
- HanaSweetie
- ChikaDreamer
- AmayaCherry
- KoharuTwinkle
- YuriSerene
- HimariGentle
- SakiHarmony
- YuiMermaid
- NatsumiAngel
- RikoFlower
- AyaneDaisy
- AyakaHoney
- KotoriTranquil
- MomoSugar
- YuiCrystal
- HotaruDazzle
- KannaWhisper
- NanaWisteria
- YuriGlimmer
- ChihiroBlossom
- SumireLunar
- MikaAzure
- YumekoVelvet
- AyaSnowfall
- ReiEthereal
- SakuraHalo
- EmiSilver
- RinNova
- MeiWhisper
- HikariTwilight
- YukaDreamer
- NatsukoWish
- HanamiLace
- YuiCeleste
- RikaSerenade
- AsamiDawn
- AkemiHarmony
- AyumiCrescent
- HarukaSeraph
- SoraAurora
- YumikoAether
- MizukiLuna
- MikuEclipse
- RinSolstice
- EmiStardust
- HanaCharm
- KohanaPixie
- SayuriMelody
- MomokoJasmine
- KaoriPetal
- YumiLilac
- MegumiWhisper
- AsukaWisp
- NanamiSerene
- HaruMoonbeam
- RinaFrost
- HikariSylph
- AyaneMuse
- KotoriGrace
- MomoVelvet
- YuiSilhouette
- NatsumiTranquil
- ChihiroIris
- HimariGossamer
- YuriHaven
- SakiLuminous
- YukaMelody
- HanamiGlow
- AyaWhisper
- ReiAstral
- SakuraBelle
- EmiNova
Anime Username Ideas For Boy
It’s the time for boy username ideas.
- RyujiPhoenix
- KazukiShadow
- HarukiBlaze
- AkiraSilver
- HiroshiZephyr
- SatoshiNova
- KaitoSpecter
- YukiOnyx
- RikuChronos
- JinRaven
- TatsuyaSoul
- RenJagger
- KentaAether
- HiroKaze
- RyotaBlitz
- DaichiWanderer
- TakumiTempest
- KotaStriker
- KenshinMidnight
- KazuyaZero
- YujiThunder
- HaruHawk
- AkiroShade
- ShinjiPhantom
- RaidenSilent
- HirotoSwift
- TaigaFrost
- KenjiWildfire
- SoraShinobi
- KazukiEmber
- MasaruSaber
- HikaruVortex
- RyomaObsidian
- JinjiRyder
- RenjiMystic
- KyoLightning
- RyuStorm
- DaikiShadowfax
- KaitoSora
- ToshiroBlade
- YuukiSage
- HarutoJade
- RyoPhoenix
- HirokiPhantom
- TakashiGale
- ShinHayate
- KazuoZephyrus
- KenzoCrimson
- KaiThunderbolt
- JinichiAzure
- SoraTalon
- HiroshiTempest
- TaikiEclipse
- RyujiCinder
- YutoOnyx
- RikuZephyr
- KotaSpectre
- KentaShadow
- RenjiBlitz
- KazukiRaven
- HarukiLunar
- AkitoNova
- TakumiIgnis
- HirokiFrost
- MasashiSilent
- KenshinAether
- ShinjiRider
- KojiBlaze
- DaichiSoul
- TatsuyaPhantom
- RyotaStellar
- JinseiVortex
- RenzoSaber
- KiyoshiTempest
- YukiRaiden
- RyujiKaze
- HaruJin
- AkiroStorm
- HirotoZephyrus
- TaigaMidnight
- KenjiSage
- KazukiHawk
- MasaruObsidian
- KaitoStriker
- JinichiSilent
- SoraBlaze
- RyuThunder
- TakashiWanderer
- KaiOnyx
- YujiChronos
- RikuRaven
- KotaSoul
- KentaNova
- HarutoJagger
- DaikiZero
- ShinHayato
- HiroshiSpecter
- ToshiroEmber
- RenjiWildfire
- KazuoZephyr
Anime Usernames for Tiktok
Below are some good Tiktok usernames inspired by anime.
- AnimeTikToker
- OtakuVibes
- KawaiiDancer
- ChibiGamer
- CosplayHero
- MangaLover
- NekoNinja
- SenpaiSings
- MagicalMoves
- VocaloidFanatic
- AnimeAddict
- DanceWithAnime
- GeekyGamer
- ItachiFangirl
- RamenMaster
- KawaiiCraze
- OtomeGoddess
- AnimeParty
- CosplayKing
- NekoNyan
- MangaMania
- ChibiDance
- VocaloidVibes
- KawaiiKicks
- AnimeGuru
- OtakuFever
- SenpaiStyle
- MagicalAnime
- DanceWithOtaku
- GeekyChoreo
- RamenLover
- ItachiObsession
- KawaiiCute
- OtomeDreams
- AnimeRhythm
- CosplayFreak
- NekoNeko
- MangaMaster
- ChibiGroove
- VocaloidLover
- KawaiiDrops
- AnimeWave
- OtakuSquad
- SenpaiSteps
- MagicalOtaku
- DanceWithManga
- GeekyMoves
- RamenObsessed
- ItachiFanatic
- KawaiiSparkle
- OtomeFantasy
- AnimeJams
- CosplayWizard
- NekoNinjaMoves
- MangaMagic
- ChibiVocaloid
- VocaloidEnthusiast
- KawaiiRhythms
- AnimeHype
- OtakuFusion
- SenpaiShuffle
- MagicalCospo
- DanceWithGeeks
- GeekyAnime
- RamenChampion
- ItachiLover
- KawaiiGalaxy
- OtomeMelody
- AnimeMoves
- CosplayFrenzy
- NekoNyanNyan
- MangaMaestro
- ChibiSteps
- VocaloidAddict
- KawaiiGlow
- OtakuEnigma
- AnimeDreamer
- KawaiiChaos
- ChibiWhisper
- CosplaySorcerer
- MangaMystic
- NekoGoddess
- SenpaiStar
- MagicalOtaku
- VocaloidVortex
- AnimeEuphoria
- GeekyAnime
- ItachiSempai
- RamenWarrior
- KawaiiMelody
- OtomeCharm
- AnimeNinja
- CosplayEmpire
- NekoOtaku
- MangaMaestro
- ChibiWanderer
- VocaloidEcho
- KawaiiInk
- OtakuParadise
- AnimeHarmony
- SenpaiWhisperer
- MagicalCraze
- GeekySorcerer
- ItachiOtaku
- RamenEnthusiast
- KawaiiSpell
- OtomeGoddess
- AnimeRhythm
- CosplayPhoenix
- NekoWhiskers
- MangaWizard
- ChibiGamer
- VocaloidFantasia
- KawaiiMoon
- OtakuJourney
- AnimeChaos
- SenpaiFusion
- MagicalWhisper
- GeekyEnigma
- ItachiMystic
- RamenNoodle
- KawaiiSoul
- OtomeMelody
- AnimeMystic
- CosplayEnchant
- OtakuChoreo
- SenpaiTunes
- MagicalDancer
- DanceWithCosplay
- GeekyVibes
- RamenStar
- ItachiDevotee
- KawaiiShuffle
- OtomeJams
- AnimeFever
- CosplayJourney
- NekoDance
- MangaMogul
- ChibiHarmony
- VocaloidVortex
- KawaiiRave
- OtakuMoves
- SenpaiGroove
- MagicalAnimeWorld
- DanceWithNerds
- GeekyRhythm
- RamenCraver
- ItachiEnthusiast
- KawaiiBeat
- OtomeVibes
Anime Usernames for Games
Here are some anime usernames that make your username catchy and creative.
- ShadowBlade
- CrimsonDragon
- SakuraNinja
- PhantomStriker
- AzureWarrior
- MoonlightMage
- AnimeGamer
- SoulEater
- DragonSlayer
- ShinobiAssassin
- MysticMage
- CelestialKnight
- LightningBolt
- BlackRose
- SilverWings
- EternalSorcerer
- SamuraiSoul
- ScarletSorceress
- BladeMaster
- DivineArcher
- StormChaser
- AnimeHero
- ShadowHunter
- CrimsonFox
- SakuraSamurai
- PhantomWanderer
- AzureEnchanter
- MoonlitSwordsman
- AnimeWarrior
- SoulSummoner
- DragonHeart
- ShinobiBlade
- MysticRogue
- CelestialMage
- LightningStriker
- BlackLotus
- SilverSpellcaster
- EternalWarrior
- SamuraiRonin
- ScarletSorcerer
- BladeOfJustice
- DivineGuardian
- StormRider
- AnimeChampion
- ShadowShifter
- CrimsonShogun
- SakuraMiko
- PhantomRanger
- AzureOracle
- MoonlitAssassin
- AnimeLegend
- SoulHarbinger
- DragonSoul
- ShinobiNinja
- MysticSorcerer
- CelestialChampion
- LightningFury
- BlackShadow
- SilverValkyrie
- EternalBlade
- SamuraiWarlord
- ScarletAvenger
- BladeOfDoom
- DivineGoddess
- StormCaster
- AnimeWarlock
- ShadowReaper
- CrimsonRonin
- SakuraFury
- PhantomMage
- AzureHunter
- MoonlitWarrior
- AnimeSlayer
- SoulSorcerer
- DragonFang
- ShinobiStriker
- MysticWarlock
- CelestialSorceress
- LightningChampion
- BlackNinja
- SilverSpellblade
- EternalKnight
- SamuraiShinobi
- ScarletEnchantress
- BladeOfEternity
- DivinePaladin
- StormSummoner
- AnimeMage
- ShadowWitch
- CrimsonSamurai
- SakuraShinigami
- PhantomWarrior
- AzureSorceress
- MoonlitMage
- AnimeBlade
- SoulArcher
- DragonKnight
- ShinobiAssault
- MysticDragon
- CelestialRogue
Famous Anime Characters
If you fail to pick a username, I have explained some of the famous anime characters, so that you can make your own username.
Levi: He is a famous anime character from the Attack On Titan TV series which was aired first in 2013. He is a soldier and a captain of scouts.
Gaara: A male character from the Naruto series, he behaves like a monster to scare people.
Nao: A beautiful girl role from the Charlotte TV series. She uses superpowers to protect the teenagers.
Madara: He is a villain character from the Naruto series, his full name is Madara Uchiha.
Saitama: A superhero character from the One Punch Man series.
Katsu: A soldier role from Two Souls.
Eugeo: A boy character from Sword Art Online, he is a woodcutter and kindhearted.
Kirisaki: An attractive and bold girl role from Nisekoi: False Love TV show.
Noburu: Female role from Shin Hakkenden, a fair-looking, and brave woman.
Kyon: The main lead from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya TV show, he is a normal person with no special powers.
Nori: Female supporting character from Sword Art Online.
Nami: A fictional female character from One Piece.
Orihara: A skilled and powerful character from Durarara!!, he played an information broker.
Raiden: One of the main leads from Metal Gear.
Akame: An important female role from Akame Ga Kill!,
Matoi: Main female lead from Kill la Kill.
Shiba: Heroic role from The Irregular At Magic High School. Full name is Shiba Tatsuya.
Ichigo: A male fictional lead role in Bleach TV show, he possesses soul reaper powers.
Mikio: A small friend role from Amaama to Inazuma (male character).
Himura: An assassin and heroic role from the Rurouni Kenshin series
Toshiro: A famous character from the Bleach manga and anime series.
Kamina: An important role from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann series. He keeps motivating Simon to get the best of him.
Dante: A fictional video game character from Devil May Cry.
Nagisa: A main lead girl character from Assassination Classroom. Full name is Nagisa Shiota.
Kenshin: Himura Kenshin is the protagonist of the manga Rurouni Kenshin.
Yahiko: A small character from the Naruto series and is also a character from Rurouni Kenshin.
Kaname: A pureblood vampire of the Vampire Knight anime.
Akabane: A student role from Assassination Classroom.
Kuroko: A male character from Kuroko no Basuke.
Madoka: A female title role from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
Rukia: Rukia Kuchiki is a female fictional character from Bleach anime.
Lucy: A girl role from Elfen Lied, she has hatred towards humans.
Kira: Kira is a name created by people for the killings of Light Yagami, a protagonist in the Death Note series.
Chizuru: She is the main character of the Hakuōki Shinsengumi Kitan series.
Arata: Demon lord character from Trinity Seven.
Looking for anime usernames that are cool, below are some cool anime usernames for you. Have a look.
Emiya: Shirou Emiya is the main male lead from the visual novel fate/stay night.
Fumio: She is a character from Girl Friend Beta anime.
Karma: An important male role from Assassination Classroom.
Kirishima: A boy character from My Hero Academia anime.
Lelouch: Title role character of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.
Urahara: Kisuke Urahara is a scientist character from Bleach anime.
Draven: He is a character in the video game League of Legends.
Touka: A female character of Tokyo Ghoul.
Kageyama: Tobio Kageyama, one of the major roles of Haikyu!! series.
Shiro: She is the female lead of the series No Game No Life.
Kagura: Female protagonist of the series Gin Tama.
Kei: A top student character from Special A.
Lamperouge: Full name of Lelouch is Lelouch Lamperouge.
Shizuka: A female main role in Doraemon anime.
Akashi: A male character from Kuroko na Basuke.
Kaiki: Deishu Kaiki is a male character from Bakemonogatari.
Akari: The main female character of the Yuri Yuri series.
Yui: She is one of the main characters of K-On!
Shana: She is the title role character of Shakugan no Shana.
Asuka: Fictional female role in Neon Genesis Evangelion TV show.
Nakano: Nino Nakano is one of the important girl characters from 5-toubun no Hanayome.
Marika: She is one of the main girl characters from the series Nisekoi.
Izuku Midoria: The main protagonist of My Hero Academia, he is also known as Deku.
Kenma: She is a skilled volleyball player from the Haikyu!!
Rina: She is from Love Live! TV show.
Zaraki: A fictional male character from Bleach anime.
Kanade: An angel and title role from Angel Beats!
Saika: He is the president of the school tennis club from OreGairu.
Shinobu: Vampire girl role from Bakemonogatari.
Itsuki: She is one of the main characters of 5-toubun no Hanayome series.
Iwatani: A fictional male role from the novel The Rising of the Shield Hero.
Gilgamesh: Also known as Archer. He is from Fate/Stay Night.
Saber: One of the heroines from Fate/Stay Night.
Yami: He is from the Black Clover anime.
Braun: He is the protagonist of Attack On Titan.
Tora: Title role character from Ushio & Tora.
Rei Ayanami: She is a fictional character in Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Gabi: She is a warrior of Attack On Titan.
Hinata: She is from the Naruto anime.
Katakuri: He is from One Piece.
Sumiko: She is a chairwoman from Nurarihyon no Mago.
Sakura: She is a famous fictional character from Naruto.
Tanaka: He is the titular character from Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge.
Keima: The main male character of The World God Only Knows series.
Kasai: A small female role from Given anime.
Oikawa: Captain of a volleyball team from Haikyu!! anime.
Amaya: A small female role from the Chubby Utahime series.
Sasha: She is from Attack On Titan, the scout regiment member.
Aina: A cool girl role of Promare.
Ginko: Protagonist of the Mushishi series, another name is Yoki.
Hatake: He is from the Naruto anime.
Akira: Titular role of Akira.
Giorno: He is the protagonist of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure 5th part.
Tamaki: He is from Ouran High School Host Club anime.
Chika: Female protagonist of Kaguya-sama: Love Is War series.
Megumi: She is from Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata.
Chinatsu: She is a character in the Yuri Yuri series.
Shiina: She is the main protagonist in the Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo.
Daichi: He played a captain role in Haikyuu!!
Alphonse: A fictional protagonist in the Fullmetal Alchemist manga.
Eiji: Heroic character in the Big Order series.
Natsuki: A popular male character from Re: Zero − Starting Life in Another World. His full name is Subaru Natsuki.
Fumiko: She is from the Love Live anime.
Mayuri: A fictional girl character in the Bleach series.
Haruka: Male protagonist from Free! anime series.
Tanya: Tanya von Degurechaff is the main lead of Youjo Senki: Saga of Tanya the Evil.
Chitanda: She is the main role in Hyouka anime.
Haruna: She is the second main character of the manga To Love Ru.
Hayate: The title role of the Hayate the Combat Butler.
Hashibira: He is the main character of the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba anime.
Hideo Kuze: The main male protagonist of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Hiroki: An important role in the Pet anime, he has memory operation skills.
Sanji: A talented chef from One Piece.
Makishima: Shougo Makishima is the main character in the Psycho-Pass anime.
Kuchiki: A fictional captain role in the Bleach anime.
Faye: She is one of the main roles of the Cowboy Bebop.
Honoka: She is the main protagonist of Love Live.
Natsu: Important character in the Fairy Tale anime, his full name is Natsu Dragneel.
Rukia: A role from the Title Kubo’s anime series Bleach, her full name is Rukia Kuchiki.
Hotaka: Female main role in the Absolute Duo.
Tomoya: Male main lead in the Clannad anime series.
Jiro: A supporting role in the anime series My Hero Academia, she is also known as a hearing hero.
Hijikata: A main character from the Hakuouki series.
Ryuk: A fictional character in the Death Note.
Kaito: A main role of the Magic Kaito manga series.
Kougami: He is from Psycho-Pass.
Hyakuya: Primary male character of the Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign.
Luffy: The main protagonist of One Piece.
Katashi; Fictional character in Naruto.
Keiko: She is from Yu Yu Hakusho.
Misato: She is a fictional character from the Neon Genesis Evangelion TV show.
Kenichi: Title role character from Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple anime.
Mai: Heroine role in the Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai.
Kenta: An important character in the Chibi Vampire.
Inaba: One of the main roles of the anime Kokoro Connect.
Kimiko: She is teen from Shakugan no Shana anime.
Grimmer: A supporting role in the Monster anime.
Hiruma: Captain of a football team in the Eyeshield 21.
Akemi: A girl from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
Kunio: Title character in the Kunio-Kun.
Daiki: He is from Kuroko na Basuke anime.
Kakashi: A fictional character from the Naruto series.
Madoka: A fourteen-year girl from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
Cranel: Bell Cranel is the main protagonist of DanMachi.
Momonga: Main character and guild master in the Overlord anime,
Suzuha: A girl from Steins; Gate anime.
Mana: She is a kind-hearted girl from Yu-Gi-Oh.
Yoko Littner: A teenage girl from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
Amane: She is a fictional character from the anime death note.
Nino: She is from Gotoubun no Hanayome anime.
Ikari: A commander in the Neon Genesis Evangelion
Futaba: A student girl in the Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai series.
Manami: A second-year student in the Yowamushi Pedal Go!!
Umaru: She is from Himouto! Umaru-chan.
Grell: The main character from Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji.
Katsura: A leader role in the Gintama anime.
Oshino: A vampire girl in the Bakemonogatari.
Shinji: He is a poster boy in the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Tanaka: A male lead in the Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge anime.
Lalatina: She is one of the important characters in the KonoSuba series.
Ikki: The main male lead in the Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan anime.
Lavi: He is from the D.Gray-man anime.
Masa: A major role in the Seto no Hanayome.
Aizen: A soul reaper and main role in the Bleach anime.
Char: He is from the Mobile Suit Gundam anime.
Himejima: He played a supporting role in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.
Reiner: Main protagonist in Attack On Titan.
Izumi: She has a leadership role in the Lucky Star series.
Legoshi: A wolf character in the Beastars.
Risa: Love interest of the hero character in the Lovely Complex anime.
Dazai: Hero role in the Bungo Stray Dogs.
Shinchi: A high school student and main role in the Parasyte series.
Masami: She is a leader of the girls’ band in the Angel Beats.
Riza: A serious woman role in Fullmetal Alchemist.
Nia: The main female villain in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
Annie Leonhart: She is from Attack On Titan with exceptional skills with swords.
Ciel: Main protagonist in the Kuroshitsuji series.
Dian: A lady villain in Jewelpet’s first season.
Inaho: A main role in ALDNOAH.ZERO series
Akenoi: A third-year student and one of the female protagonists.
Miyuki: Shiba Miyuki is the female protagonist in The Irregular in Magic High School anime.
Kazuya: A 13 years Japanese boy in Gosick anime.
Iroho: Female main lead in OreGairu.
Handa: A twenty-three-year-old male protagonist in Barakamon.
Nakiri: She is from Shokugeki no Soma.
Ghirga: He is from JoJo Bizarre Adventure, his full name is Narancia Ghirga
Hirasawa: She is one of the important characters in K-On!
Neji: He is the main character from the Naruto series.
Agatsuma: He is a demon slayer in Kimetsu no Yaiba.
Erina: Heroine in Shokugeki no Soma.
Tenma: A neurosurgeon in the Monster TV show.
Jibril: She is bloodthirsty in No Game No Life anime.
Nagachika: A normal human in Tokyo Ghoul series.
Suzaku: A male fictional character from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.
Osamu: A detective agency person in Bungo Stray Dogs.
Mei: She is from Citrus anime.
Koneko: Female protagonist in High School DxD.
Kuroo: A volleyball captain in Haikyu!! anime.
Migi: He is the second main character in the Parasyte anime.
Askeladd: A swordsman from Vinland Saga.
Takagi: She is a middle school student and the main protagonist in Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san.
Naomi: A former FBI agent in Death Note anime.
Shouto: The main character of My Hero Academia.
Azusa: An animal lover from K-On.
Kuzuma: Male protagonist of KonoSuba series.
Yukine: He is the third most important character in Noragami.
Nori: She is from Sword Art Online.
Nausicaa: She is the titular character in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.
Ritsu: An important character among 5 characters in K-On!
Nadeko: She is from Bakemonogatari.
Wistaria: He has a second important character in Akagami no Shirayukihime.
Miyazono: She is from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso.
Gin: Male lead in Hotarubi no Mori e Movie.
Maes: A skilled fighter in Fullmetal Alchemist.
Johan Liebert: Titular role in Monster.
Sasori: He is from Naruto.
Hestia: She has a role in Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
Rory: 13-year-old demigoddess in Gate – Thus the JSDF Fought There.
Reina: She is one of the important characters in Sound! Euphonium.
Suruga: A star player of the football team and appears in a prominent role in Bakemonogatari.
Gowther: He is a protagonist in The Seven Deadly Sins.
Winry Rockbell: A girl character in Hiromu Arakawa’s Fullmetal Alchemist.
Okita: Male protagonist of Kaze Hikaru.
Sena: Female protagonist in Eyeshield 21
Albarn: A brave girl in Soul Eater anime.
Crona: A demon swordmaster in Soul Eater, gender is unknown.
Tyki: He is from D.Gray Man.
Ranpo: A talented crimes solver in Bungo Stray Dogs.
Reborn: Titular role in Reborn.
Fumino: She is a heroine in the We Never Learn series.
Takasu: Hero role in Toradora.
Takeshi: A fictional character in Reborn.
Nezumi: He is the main character in anime No. 6.
Moka Akashiya: Main female role in Rosario + Vampire.
Silva: He is of Shaman King.
Renge: A first-class girl from the Non-Non Biyori series.
Noelle: A noblewoman in Black Clover.
Decim: He is the main role in the Death Parade series.
Stein: A talented doctor in Soul Easter.
Dandy: Titular and the human role in Space Dandy.
Akiyama: One of the main characters in K-On!
Chiaki: He is a 2-4 class student in Tsurezure Children.
Shima: A teenage biker in Akira.
Yoshikage: The main villain in Diamond is Unbreakable.
Cloud Strife: He is a Hero from Final Fantasy VII.
Nanami: A gentle girl from Kamisama Hajimemashita.
Nico: One of the main female leads in Love Live! School Idol Project.
Sagara: He is from Full Metal Panic!
Roxy: She is a goddess in Mushoku Tensei.
Yumeko Jabami: She is a student and main lead in Kakegurui – Compulsive Gambler.
Guren: The main role in Seraph of the End.
Kaito: Titular role and gentleman thief in Magic Kaito.
Rikka: Female lead role in Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai!
Shika: He is a small support role in Two Souls.
Taiga: Female protagonist in Toradora!
Aizawa: A supporting character in My Hero Academia.
Diavolo: Main villain in Vento Aureo.
Sagiri: Female lead in EroManga-Sensei.
Lockser: She is from Fairy Tail
Isla: She is from Plastic Memories

How to Choose a Perfect Anime Username
Having a perfect username can make you famous on any platform, and to attract any user; first, we must have eye catchy username.
Type of username you want.
First, you should be clear about which type of username you want. In this, you have already selected an anime username.
Anime usernames are taken from famous anime characters. In anime, we have hero characters, villain characters, and other characters; therefore, you must be clear about which type of anime character name you want.
Make a discussion with an anime lover.
In every gang, there will be an anime lover, they have good knowledge of anime characters so they can easily suggest a perfect username for you.
Ask friends and family.
Why don’t you ask your friends and family before having an internet search? They may have better content than what you find on the internet so ask them to suggest a good anime username for you.
Time to search on the internet
After trying offline sources, if you fail to find a good one or if you want to explore more usernames, you can have an internet search.
Avoid lengthy and hard-to-spell usernames.
It’s better to avoid lengthy and hard-to-spell anime usernames. Prefer short usernames and easily pronounceable usernames.
People may easily forget difficult usernames and ignore them. So go for simple but catchy anime usernames. Usually, anime names look different; everyone doesn’t know them; therefore, be careful while selecting them.
How are these anime usernames, I hope you have found a username and liked this post. Thanks for visiting.