200+ Cool Anime Nicknames To Consider- NamesBuddy
Are you looking for anime nicknames to get a perfect nickname for your loved one? Here we have a list of the best nicknames inspired by anime you can consider.

Nicknames are an important part of a good relationship, they help us distinguish our love from others. While some relationships go without nicknames, it’s always nice to have one as a way to say “I’m your person.” There is nothing wrong with using anime for inspiration when deciding on the perfect nickname for someone you care about!
A good relationship deserves the best nicknames to call each other, and it resembles how strong your bond is. But the problem arises when the time comes to choose a nickname because it has to be as cool as she/he is, or it should reflect his/her character.
Cool Anime Nicknames
Anime nickname is a perfect choice if they are anime lovers, don’t worry; these are also suitable for non-anime lovers because of their nature and uniqueness.
While making this list of nicknames, we have used the character names of Anime, and we made sure these are cool and cute to use as a nickname.
So, let’s get started.
- Kakashi
- Light Yagami
- Mikasa
- Itachi
- Natsu
- Asuna
- Hinata
- Zoro
- Ichigo
- Kanade
- Sasuke
- Takumi
- Yato
- Kenpachi
- Misaki
- Minato
- Haruhi
- Neji
- Shiro
- Kamina
- Sora
- Nezuko
- Sakura
- Nagisa
- Gajeel
- Inuyasha
- Yuzuru
- Gintoki
- Takashi
- Kurapika
- Yenji
- Izumi
- Eijiro
- Kenshin
- Deidara
- Enatani
- Yorao
- Ichishiro
- Majiro
- Suzumaya
- Kyukoji
- Urashima
- Gekeno
- Kagasu
- Chihi
- Yoshibata
- Ryumasu
- Kisawa
- Fuminkei
- Amikawa
- Manasake
- Nanishi
- Kitsune
- Amikino
- Tsugagumi
- Tahamano
- Akonomi
- Rikikaze
- Mitsuyoshi
- Wakatake
- Tsukinoue
- Hamanoda
- Nine
- Oshitagi
- Usanoue
- Matsuzaki
- Akigisa
- Akashi
- Honochiko
- Hatase
- Waharu
- Rikimori
- Samachi
- Omogishi
- Hitsuyo
- Masarata
- Toyomasa
- Ashibuki
- Kesayuki
- Sakitsumi
- Tsuneharu
- Tahayuki
- Chikko
- Morihira
- Mahachi
- Nakatagi
- Yoshisa
- Sozuki
- Tadagai
- Suhaya
- Atatsuya
- Kurigome
- Aramoto
- Yakuno
- Nagamasa
- Shiraza
- Matasine
- Izuhara
- Nagayori
- Hamamida
- Naruhachi
- Kawagome
- Yugotomo
- Ubumitsu
- Sontaro
- Uchisano
- Noboyasu
- Nakashida
- Nobuhisa
- Iwashiba
- Akeraku
- Sugizato
- Gebusuke
- Okumoto
- Hyobo
RELATED: Japanese Nicknames
READ: Three-Letter Nicknames
Cute Anime Nicknames
- Tetsuya
- Yuki
- Satoru
- Akio
- Kuro
- Hideku
- Osamu
- Ryuuko
- Fuuko
- Masaomi
- Azusa
- Yukine
- Koshi
- Suzaku
- Tsuyu
- Ling
- Zenitsu
- Sawako
- Mikoto
- Temari
- Shunsui
- Homura
- Shinobu
- Denki
- Souma
- Mayuri
- Haruka
- Hiyori
- Shigure
- Rangiku
- Rikka
- Meliodas
- Koyomi
- Mugen
- Minori
- Tobi
- Akeno
- Fumikage
- Yachiru
- Moka
- Yuuji
- Shin’ya
- Mello
- Ritsu
- Shana
- Meiko
- Shiina
- Taiga
- Daichi
- Iruka
- Eikichi
- Gohan
- Asahi
- Rika
- Shino
- Suguha
- Ten’ya
- Kagura
- Ayato
- Chizuru
- Saya
- Senkuu
- Shota
- Choji
- Chika
- Hisasawa
- Shifusa
- Hanakida
- Yunoru
- Ikezaki
- Mamobei
- Toda
- Jinzakio
- Ariyama
- Miyamaro
- Sakuraki
- Kanzako
- Hamasano
- Hokudashi
- Yasuwa
- Konso
- Kazemaru
- Maretora
- Kaguwata
- Arihhiko
- Masaki
- Emikichi
- Wakini
- Haisago
- Omoshima
- Tayoko
- Kashiyashi
- Karisa
- Enawata
- Kurumeki
- Katasuchi
- Sayomika
- Osarano
- Irikari
- Chiraki
- Kozarari
- Kaki
- Eharu
- Harimuro
- Kanenoue
TRY: Disney Usernames

How To Find A Perfect Anime Nickname for Your Special One
When it comes to finding the perfect anime nickname for your special someone, you have a lot of options. A nickname is a fun way of identifying someone you know, especially if you and your partner have a special connection with the same thing.
If you and your partner have a shared love for anime, you could go for an anime nickname that references a shared interest. For example, if your partner loves the pandas from Neko Atsume and is also a big fan of Sword Art Online, you could call his/her Sword Art Panda.
Below I’m listing some tips for choosing an anime nickname
Make sure it fits their personality
First, consider what their personality is like. Is your partner a tough guy? A softie? Or somewhere in between? If they’re more of a softie than a tough guy, then don’t use an anime name that sounds too tough and vice-versa.
And if your special one likes to go out and have fun, then maybe try something like Ritsu-kun! However, if they’re more of an introvert, then maybe consider using Ritsu-chan instead! This way, they’ll feel comfortable when talking about themselves and what they like doing in their spare time.
Make sure it’s unique
You don’t want your partner to have the same nickname as anyone else in the world! If you can, try to use a combination of anime names and something else that makes them unique (like their favorite color or hobby).
Know Their Taste
Make sure it’s something they wouldn’t mind being called by their friends and family members as well, not just by you! This is especially important if they’re not into anime or cartoons at all because they might not like being called by an anime character’s name.