100 Cool Swedish Last Names
Swedish last names are suffused with history, representing the traditions, geography, and social order of Sweden.
From “Andersson” and “Johansson” to nature-inspired surnames like “Lindberg” and “Nordström,” each surname presents a rich portrait of history.
Whether you have Swedish ancestors or are simply curious about Nordic naming conventions, Swedish last names’ origins and meanings conceal many fascinating stories of culture and identity.
Afterward, let’s step into the captivating arena born out of Swedish surnames and unravel their distinct story!
Swedish last names
Andersson – “Son of Anders” (Anders is the Swedish form of Andrew)
Johansson – “Son of Johan” (Johan is the Swedish form of John)
Karlsson – “Son of Karl”
Nilsson – “Son of Nils”
Eriksson – “Son of Erik”
Larsson – “Son of Lars”
Svensson – “Son of Sven”
Olofsson – “Son of Olof”
Pettersson – “Son of Petter” (Petter is the Swedish form of Peter)
Jonsson – “Son of Jon” (a variant of John)
Bergström – “Mountain stream” (Berg means mountain and Ström means stream)
Lindberg – “Lime tree hill” (Lind means lime tree and Berg means hill)
Johannesson – “Son of Johan”
Hansson – “Son of Hans”
Blomqvist – “Flower branch” (Blom means flower and Kvist means branch)
Möller – “Miller” (referring to the occupation of a miller)
Wallin – “From the wall” (related to someone living near a city wall or defensive structure)
Axelsson – “Son of Axel”
Lundberg – “Forest hill” (Lund means grove or small forest and Berg means hill)
Fredriksson – “Son of Fredrik” (Fredrik means peaceful ruler)
Gustafsson – “Son of Gustaf” (Gustaf means staff of the gods)
Nyman – “New man” (Nya means new and man means man)
Sjöberg – “Lake mountain” (Sjö means lake and Berg means mountain)
Granberg – “Pine tree mountain” (Gran means pine and Berg means mountain)
Forsberg – “Waterfall mountain” (Fors means waterfall and Berg means mountain)
Nyström – “New stream” (Ny means new and Ström means stream)
Törnberg – “Thorn hill” (Törn means thorn and Berg means hill)
Holm – “Islet” or “small island” (referring to someone living on a small island)
Wikström – “Bay stream” (Wik means bay and Ström means stream)
Strömberg – “Stream mountain” (Ström means stream and Berg means mountain)
Kjellberg – “Kjell’s mountain” (Kjell is a common first name, and Berg means mountain)
Fransson – “Son of Frans” (Frans is a variation of Francis)
Hedberg – “Heath hill” (Hed means heath and Berg means hill)
Rosenberg – “Rose mountain” (Rosen means rose and Berg means mountain)
Lindqvist – “Lime tree branch” (Lind means lime tree and Kvist means branch)
Ekström – “Oak stream” (Ek means oak and Ström means stream)
Falk – “Falcon” (related to the bird of prey)
Löfgren – “Leaf branch” (Löf means leaf and Gren means branch)
Persson – “Son of Per” (Per is the Swedish form of Peter)
Viklund – “Bay grove” (Wik means bay and Lund means grove)
Sjögren – “Lake branch” (Sjö means lake and Gren means branch)
Dalström – “Valley stream” (Dal means valley and Ström means stream)
Björkman – “Birch man” (Björk means birch tree)
Hagberg – “Enclosure hill” (Hag means enclosure or pasture and Berg means hill)
Höglund – “High grove” (Hög means high and Lund means grove)
Tingström – “Thing stream” (Ting refers to a place where old assemblies were held and Ström means stream)
Almström – “Elm stream” (Alm means elm tree and Ström means stream)
Sandström – “Sand stream” (Sand means sand and Ström means stream)
Nyberg – “New mountain” (Ny means new and Berg means mountain)
Åkesson – “Son of Åke” (Åke is a traditional Scandinavian first name)
Lindström – “Lime tree stream” (Lind means lime tree and Ström means stream)
Rydberg – “Clearing mountain” (Ryd means clearing and Berg means mountain)
Dahlberg – “Valley mountain” (Dahl means valley and Berg means mountain)
Berglund – “Mountain grove” (Berg means mountain and Lund means grove)
Söderberg – “Southern mountain” (Söder means south and Berg means mountain)
Svensson – “Son of Sven” (Sven means young man or warrior)
Wiklund – “Bay grove” (Wik means bay and Lund means grove)
Hammarström – “Hammer stream” (Hammar means hammer and Ström means stream)
Friberg – “Free mountain” (Fri means free and Berg means mountain)
Löfström – “Leaf stream” (Löf means leaf and Ström means stream)
Tengström – “Thing stream” (Ting refers to an assembly and Ström means stream)
Blomberg – “Flower mountain” (Blom means flower and Berg means mountain)
Sjöström – “Lake stream” (Sjö means lake and Ström means stream)
Stenberg – “Stone mountain” (Sten means stone and Berg means mountain)
Hedström – “Heath stream” (Hed means heath and Ström means stream)
Nordström – “North stream” (Nord means north and Ström means stream)
Björklund – “Birch grove” (Björk means birch and Lund means grove)
Ohlsson – “Son of Olof” (Olof is a common Swedish name)
Mårtensson – “Son of Mårten” (Mårten is a form of Martin)
Högberg – “High mountain” (Hög means high and Berg means mountain)
Lindqvist – “Lime tree branch” (Lind means lime tree and Kvist means branch)
Ståhlberg – “Steel mountain” (Ståhl means steel and Berg means mountain)
Jönsson – “Son of Jöns” (Jöns is a variant of John)
Öberg – “Island mountain” (Ö means island and Berg means mountain)
Westerberg – “Western mountain” (Väster means west and Berg means mountain)
Häggström – “Bird cherry stream” (Hägg means bird cherry and Ström means stream)
Lundqvist – “Grove branch” (Lund means grove and Kvist means branch)
Nyberg – “New mountain” (Ny means new and Berg means mountain)
Rönnberg – “Rowan mountain” (Rönn means rowan tree and Berg means mountain)
Axelsson – “Son of Axel” (Axel means father of peace)
Ulfsson – “Son of Ulf” (Ulf means wolf)
Gustavsson – “Son of Gustav” (Gustav means staff of the gods)
Strandberg – “Beach mountain” (Strand means beach and Berg means mountain)
Hedlund – “Heath grove” (Hed means heath and Lund means grove)
Rydqvist – “Clearing branch” (Ryd means clearing and Kvist means branch)
Grönberg – “Green mountain” (Grön means green and Berg means mountain)
Almquist – “Elm branch” (Alm means elm tree and Kvist means branch)
Viklund – “Bay grove” (Wik means bay and Lund means grove)
Lagerström – “Laurel stream” (Lager means laurel and Ström means stream)
Backlund – “Hill grove” (Back means hill and Lund means grove)
Stenberg – “Stone mountain” (Sten means stone and Berg means mountain)
Hjälm – “Helmet” (referring to someone who might have been a warrior or protector)
Rapp – “Sharp” (describing a sharp or quick-witted individual)
Vinterberg – “Winter mountain” (Vinter means winter and Berg means mountain)
Forsman – “Waterfall man” (Fors means waterfall and man means man)
Gyllensten – “Golden stone” (Gyllen means golden and Sten means stone)
Kallberg – “Cold mountain” (Kall means cold and Berg means mountain)
Alström – “Elm stream” (Alm means elm tree and Ström means stream)
Lindell – “Little lime tree” (Lind means lime tree and -ell is a diminutive suffix)
Malmberg – “Ore mountain” (Malm means ore and Berg means mountain)