100 Unique Demon Character Names
When developing dark, strange, and memorable characters, the character’s name changes everything.
Whether developing a horrific antagonist for a novel, an evil character for a tabletop role-playing game, or a horrifying villain character for film or television, what a demon is called has a lot of clout.
A demon’s name can summon forth tremendous power, fear, and ancient chaos, and can hint at its origins, personality, and secret ambitions.
In this post, we will look at a variety of names for versatile demons, to help inspire you and your dark character projects.
They may be old-fashioned or biblical, unique, or straight-up ridiculous.
So, let us descend further into the depths to find names worthy of the Underworld.
demon character names
Abaddon – “The Destroyer,” a demon associated with destruction and death in Hebrew lore.
Asmodeus – Demon of lust and vengeance from ancient demonology.
Lilith – A seductive night demon from Jewish mythology, symbolizing rebellion.
Beelzebub – “Lord of the Flies,” a powerful demon of pride and corruption.
Astaroth – A demon of knowledge, often depicted as a fallen angel.
Azazel – A demon of chaos, known for introducing forbidden knowledge to humanity.
Belphegor – Demon of laziness and sloth, said to tempt humans with wealth.
Baal – An ancient demon king, symbolizing power and control.
Dantalion – A demon who can manipulate thoughts and emotions.
Leviathan – A sea monster and demon of envy, representing chaos.
Malphas – A demon who builds towers and deceives enemies.
Zagan – A demon known for alchemy and transformation.
Mammon – A demon of greed and wealth.
Orobas – A demon who reveals truths and grants loyal service.
Valefar – A demon who tempts people to steal.
Buer – A demon who teaches philosophy and healing arts.
Furfur – A demon associated with storms and lies.
Andras – A demon of discord who incites conflict.
Gaap – A demon who can transport people and influence minds.
Seir – A demon known for swift travel and truth-telling.
Barbas – A demon who grants hidden knowledge.
Foras – A demon who teaches logic and ethics.
Vual – A demon of seduction and persuasion.
Marchosias – A fierce demon of war who once served as an angel.
Gusion – A demon who reveals the past, present, and future.
Leraje – A demon of archery and battle.
Agares – A demon who causes earthquakes and teaches languages.
Sabnock – A demon who builds castles and inflicts wounds.
Caim – A demon who can communicate with animals.
Flauros – A fiery demon who can predict the future.
Balam – A three-headed demon with powers of invisibility.
Eligos – A demon of strategy and war.
Morax – A demon who teaches astronomy and herbalism.
Stolas – A demon of astrology and the occult.
Andrealphus – A demon associated with mathematics and geometry.
Raum – A demon who causes chaos and theft.
Phenex – A demon in the form of a phoenix, known for his beautiful voice.
Glasya-Labolas – A demon who incites bloodshed and teaches dark secrets.
Botis – A demon with the power to reconcile enemies.
Shax – A demon who steals and creates confusion.
Vine – A demon who reveals secrets and builds fortresses.
Ipos – A demon who imparts charisma and bravery.
Sitri – A demon of lust and seduction.
Gamigin – A demon who summons the spirits of the dead.
Halphas – A demon who commands armies.
Bifrons – A demon of necromancy and corpse desecration.
Amon – A demon with a serpent’s head, known for reconciling friendships.
Marax – A demon who teaches liberal sciences and medicine.
Forneus – A demon who grants eloquence and favor.
Amy – A demon who teaches astrology and alchemy.
Hagenti – A demon who turns metals into gold.
Crocell – A demon of water and music.
Ose – A demon who causes madness and delusions.
Alloces – A demon who teaches astronomy and the liberal arts.
Vepar – A demon who controls the seas and causes storms.
Naberius – A demon who grants cunning and eloquence.
Bune – A demon who commands legions and grants riches.
Ronove – A demon of persuasion and rhetoric.
Vassago – A demon known for revealing hidden treasures.
Lilim – Female demons descended from Lilith, known for seduction.
Malthus – A demon who builds demonic fortresses.
Ziminiar – A demon prince associated with rebellion.
Xaphan – A demon who tried to set heaven on fire.
Eurynome – A demon of decay and filth.
Charun – A demon of death in Etruscan mythology.
Alastor – An avenging demon who punishes the wicked.
Nergal – A demon of war, pestilence, and destruction.
Lamastu – A terrifying female demon who preys on infants.
Pazuzu – A wind demon who brings famine and locusts.
Ahriman – The evil spirit and lord of darkness in Zoroastrian mythology.
Choronzon – A demon of chaos and madness.
Phenex – A demon who takes the form of a phoenix and sings.
Abigor – A demon who teaches war tactics.
Balberith – A demon who tempts people to commit blasphemy.
Kobal – A demon of humor and mockery.
Rimmon – A demon associated with storms and thunder.
Adramelech – A demon who demands child sacrifices.
Ornias – A shape-shifting demon mentioned in the Testament of Solomon.
Berith – A demon who inspires lies and arguments.
Severin – A demon of manipulation and treachery.
Drasil – A demon of deception and illusion.
Vael – A demon of vengeance and fury.
Nyxara – A demon of shadows and nightmares.
Zepharos – A demon of dark winds and whispers.
Razeel – A demon of forgotten knowledge.
Draegar – A demon of the underworld and punishment.
Tiameth – A demon of rage and destruction.
Lorcan – A cunning demon of trickery.
Velkros – A demon of chaos and disarray.
Xerathis – A demon who tempts with forbidden power.
Morvath – A demon of despair and hopelessness.
Calvara – A seductive demon of temptation.
Zarith – A demon of lightning and wrath.
Iskandar – A demon of war and conquest.
Maltrax – A demon of betrayal and deceit.
Sytheris – A demon of poisonous words.
Graveth – A demon of the dead and decay.
Noctara – A demon of darkness and eternal night.
Theronix – A demon of infernal flames.
Zeraphon – A demon of apocalyptic destruction.